Sky - Forum Rules

Guildrules (o,O)

Guildrules (o,O)

We have some rules in our guild but don´t be scared

1. Be friendly !

2. We have  taxe´s , please spend them they are needed for leveling up the guild.

3. Cloak´s will be created, after you spend 10000 penya to the Guildwarehouse on

server 1. Please tell me ( KittySchnurr)if you want some .

Re: Guildrules (o,O)

 4. You should visit a forum actively.
If you cannot play, you should write about it here:
If you have created another char, you should write about it here:

Re: Guildrules (o,O)

one thing more :


0-spender will be kicked out of guild after a month.

This means : if u don´t spend Questitems or money during a month u get kicked.

some of u don´t know this :

there are also events for guilds, but mostly they need a higher guildlvl than we have at moment. Questitems and money help to lvl-up the guild!!!