Sky - GÄSTEBUCH/ Guestbook



U guys still exist?
i just began with flyff again.
Username: Zephyr

Re: Hey

Hmm..Idk...maybe I start Flyff again, too.... Already downloaded and updated game...Hmm.. I think it will take long time to remember how to play it :D

Re: Hey

u two are kidding.. right ? O.o

Re: Hey

Hmm.. I think it will looks like I kidding  Now our desktop computer's video card have some's about breaking... so I can't use it. My laptop is too slow for game...but I'll try to tune it up if I can...there is something I can do...

Re: Hey

 sorry, thats bad...but ur right there have been a lot of updates...

Re: Hey

i broke my record
old rec: mage 28
new rec: assist 32 yay ^_^

Re: Hey

I don't even remember my characters x( only my psykeeper or something like that :D hmm..I still have computer problems...

Re: Hey

Hi im Spektre

have the game in a disk... version 9.

hey guys can u let 2 ppl enter ur guild?

they are:

