Event - Screenshot
Wellcome to our first event ^_^
We need a background of our site! So, we need a nice screenshot.
Please make nice screenshots and send it to this topic.
The best background will receives a prize 500 000 penya ^_^
Wellcome to our first event ^_^
We need a background of our site! So, we need a nice screenshot.
Please make nice screenshots and send it to this topic.
The best background will receives a prize 500 000 penya ^_^
When event will end ?
Should it be exactly screenshot or it can be "painted" ?
Who will decide which one is the best ?
Zitat: hlymzik
When event will end ?
I think in a week.
Zitat: hlymzik
Should it be exactly screenshot or it can be "painted" ?
hmm... u can try to draw ^_^
Zitat: hlymzik
Who will decide which one is the best ?
I think it is me ^^ but I dont know so really
This one is not ready. I could edit it little bit..
Hlymzik, you are the WINNER!
Your price is in your mailbox.
Thank you!
Hmm.. there is no activity in forum
yes, but I can't change it
should we kick everyone who dont visit our forum?
Hmm.. I dont think so
May option is that we invite as many ppl as possible saying them that they MUST to visit our forum as many times as possible or we'll kick them And if somebody not visit forum for more then week or two w/o any explaination, we should kick him OR (week)first notice->(week) second notice->(week)notice->(2 day) kick ... something like that.
Merry Christmas!!!
Wow, nice Background, and you already are the winner! LOL
I would've lost anyways...I'm bad at making background...
Anyways, congratulations Hlymzik!
-Can you teach me a bit how to make backgrounds like that?
-And sorry I wasn't on the forum for a long time...