Sky - Guild Skycatcher

LadyLydia says "Hi"

LadyLydia says "Hi"

Hello everybody, I have at last joined the forum! Well, I live in the capital city of Poland, Warsaw. Before I used to play Knight-Online (I left it for several reasons) but now I play FlyFF, it's cute! I like the game because I obsessed with Mange/Anime.

My name is Lydia and I'm 13 years old, in like one or two months it's going to be my birthday! I am really happy thaat I have joined the forum.

I hope I will have time to post some messages.

Re: LadyLydia says "Hi"

Welcome Lydia!

I hope I will read your messages ^^

Re: LadyLydia says "Hi"

 lady ^^!!!

I´m so happy that more skcatcher get into this forum XD

Have fun here and at flyff

Re: LadyLydia says "Hi"

say also welcome here in forum