Sky - Guildwar / Party´s/ Help

I think it is time to fight!

I think it is time to fight!

Dear Skycatcher

i thought long time about an regulary day in every 2nd week, where we will have Guildwars.

What do you think about this idea ??

Re: I think it is time to fight!

ehmm.. It will be cool if I'll pass to play flyff <.<(didn't playd for about couple of weeks) and it depend on how many ppl will reply/ say their opinion about this. Btw, who many of us are regulary playing flyff?

Re: I think it is time to fight!

o.o... i think... me is playing regulary live2kill (miele ) is also playing again. O.o i hope i could find more than 2 ppl to do some guildwars