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Away/online ?

Re: Away/online ?

From next week will start my nightmare: I'am going to study theory and at the same time practice for competition, that starts in January. So, I'll be almsot all the time in studing, but I hope I'll find free time for flyff too.

Re: Away/online ?

good luck whith your study

Re: Away/online ?

Sorry Guy´s  i cant come online for a long time , becouse the CPU And Mainboard of my PC get damaged.

Re: Away/online ?

I hope you'll repair it quickly  We were missed you

Re: Away/online ?


I'm sorry, but I can't play this week - school

Re: Away/online ?

Me either. May be on weekend.. will see. Oh, next week I cant play too: I have an competition and tests

I'll be totally off from 30.1 - 2.2

Re: Away/online ?

i cannot connect to server ?.?

Re: Away/online ?

Kit, pass leadership to me please

Re: Away/online ?

Grr.. I was 4th in Finland in Mech Eng. CADD (Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Design)  There was three(3) points difference between me and 3rd ..Heh, ok, next year I'll get first place

Oh, and I'am ill on this week. I don't know will I play flyff or not this weekend =/

Re: Away/online ?

I'm bored I'm away