Sky - Important news

Capes / Cloak

Capes / Cloak

If u want a cloak( cape) u need to spend 10000 penja (10k) to the Guildwarehouse on server 3-1.

The money is only used for creating one cloak!

Re: Capes / Cloak

When we get those cloaks?  There's no haste with, I'am just asking ^^ or is it so, that when everybody give 10k, we get only 1 cloak?

Re: Capes / Cloak

everybody gets 1 cloak for 10k . it´s a little bit stupid to get 10 cloak´s because they lokk equal and you can´t sell them >You only could get it by your guild and 10k will dissappere from our guldbank by creating a cloak .