Sky - Important news

are you still alive ?

are you still alive ?

Dear members! We (guild) need active players, right? Every day I do not see more than 4 members online. And this is Kit, hlymzik and lady (and St3rnchen) ^^. And not everybody is announced in our forum! So, everybody must leave an answer here, Otherwise he / she will be kicked! Do you agree it?

Re: are you still alive ?

If you agree, I will kick:


Re: are you still alive ?

Erm....OlaPL is me...and my friend (SpEkTrE/BekonPL) is grounded because at school he doesn't do his his father took his computer away... Please don't kick him.

And I'm online, yes. Don't kick me please.  Ladymarina is online all the time, except she plays with her Mercenary (LadyMariko). But yes, kick her, she has no intension to pay the Guild...

Re: are you still alive ?

some of this guy´s didn´t pay anything ,if it is money or item. it would be better do put them to top of list. 


0-pay guy´s

And then it is one think to think off:

are they really offline or do they play at a diffrent time than we do Ö.ö.

We are an international guild , and all over the world there is not the same time like here  in europe.

but i hope this people will come here and tell us , what ´s up with them

Re: are you still alive ?

I am going to be away for some time because I have too much homework, it's hard being Year 9 student... I failed the Science test, Polish test and barely passed the maths test...and it's because instead of studying I was playing I'll be away from flyff for some time, but I'll try to come back...

Please, do not kick me, I'll try to improve my results in my tests and come back as soo as possible.


Re: are you still alive ?

We will waiting of you! Good luck in school!

Re: are you still alive ?

kk i used to be on flyff but u ppl just kicked me out!! because i play on other time! i used to go on flyff at midnight GMT hour... and u ppl kicked me out... that is one of the reasons of why did i left flyff... the other reason was my purple name with 2-3 kills. 

Re: are you still alive ?

Do you mean, that we kick you from clan? Hmm.. idk.
You can have your name back to white by doing some quest. Red name is not problem