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Guardian Knuckle - Help!!! xD

Guardian Knuckle - Help!!! xD

I don't have enough money to buy a G Knuckle, and selling my Stick of Roritoren won't be enough money for a Guardian Knuckle too...but...I badly want that Guardian Knuckle! So please, if anyone would want some of my items here for a Guardian Knuckle? Please help me get the Guardian Knuckle xD

Items for the Guardian Knuckle:

-Gravity Knuckle [+3] [+1 Fire]

-Stick of Roritoren (Big sacrifice, worth 20~25 million I think. )

-Flury helmet

-Flury Boots

-Power Dice 4 [5 in stock] (Yet another sacrifice, 200,000 each...)

If anyone is interested in helping me get the Guardian Knuckle, please tell me or reply to this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Guardian Knuckle - Help!!! xD

So no one will help me...?

So sad...

Re: Guardian Knuckle - Help!!! xD

we will help, but in another topic

Re: Guardian Knuckle - Help!!! xD

What do you mean "In another topic"?

Re: Guardian Knuckle - Help!!! xD