Sky - small talk

About us (^_^)

About us (^_^)

Here everybody will tell a little about itself.

I am Flory. Mine realname is Florencia. I have been living in Germany for 6 years. Before I lived in Russia. I go to gymnasium and am y pupil of the 13th form. This year I will get a certificate.. I hope
Till now I live with my parents. We have nice cat named Tom, which gives us much trouble.
I go in for sport- every sunday I go swimming toa pool. ^^Swimming os one of my hobbies. I am fond of playing the computer. Earlier I played Lineage2 I have stopped because it became dull.

Please write about yourselves ^^

Re: About us (^_^)

i am gharun,my real name is Bert. i am from belgium.and i am 1 jears old, 09 january i become 13

i played runescape and maple story.


Re: About us (^_^)

Wazeee                                   (my favourite phrase) q:D 
I'm miele, in Lithuania i'm known like "Dzonis" like John q;D
My real name is Paulius Melinis I live in east of Lithuania

Favorite game is "FLYFF" of course q and a little bit "Star Craft : Brood War"

So thats me q:D

Re: About us (^_^)

Hey! Today is Flory's birthday (it's marked in calendar) !!!


P.S. Sorry for no greeting card - I'am a little bit busy right now

Re: About us (^_^)

Happy birthday Flory!!!!!!

I'm LadyLydia and my real name is Lydia. xD

I live in Poland, I'm 14 years old and I am in year 9.

I have seen LineAge2, but it's payable. I used to play Flyff (Might come back) and I used to play Knight online.

Currently, I'm playing Guild Wars: Nightfall and I'm working on a game: Seekers of the Abyss (0.5% of the game done) xD

Program is RPG Maker 2003

Re: About us (^_^)

my name is spektre and my real name is Ivan. I am 13 years old. I used to live in spain but my family moved to poland. at first i didnt liked to do so but thanks to it I found Lydia. She told me about Flyff and this guild and she encouraged me to download it . And thanks to her now im writing this.

actually my favourite games are Tales of ETERNIA (yeehah) and CABAL online

at the moment im doing 2 RPG Maker projects, so im quite busy...

When things go the way they are, THATS true happiness-- Reid Hershel