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Can't lose weight

Can't lose weight

I eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise from time to time, but not too much. My weight has been stagnant for quite some time now and it worries me.

Re: Can't lose weight

Maybe you'd be better off working with a nutritionist? Or add more physical activity with the help of an experienced trainer? I think the body is just accustomed to both the load and the nutrition plan, so you just need to make some changes.

Re: Can't lose weight

Various dietary supplements would also be a good solution. Just not those that promise you weight loss in a week, but, for example, Gundry MD Bio Complete 3, which I personally take to improve the digestive process. There is more about this dietary supplement here www.gundrymdbiocomplete3.com/. When the digestive system works correctly, the metabolism is fast, then the process of losing weight will not stand still.