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Tips for sleeping comfortably all night for better health

Tips for sleeping comfortably all night for better health

We all have a favorite sleeping position. Some people like to sleep on their backs. Some people like to sleep on their stomach. If you do not sleep in your favorite position I played some people even can't sleep at all. Each position has different advantages and disadvantages. For people who do not have health problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. The most appropriate and healthy sleeping position is supine, as it keeps the head, neck and spine in their natural plane, reducing pressure and aches. Plus it helps to prevent wrinkles on the face. or have premature aging Even if you are a versatile sleeping position But not everyone is used to sleeping on their back, so JokerSlot today has some tips to help you sleep on your back more easily. Plus, get a good night's sleep if you can. I assure you that it's good for your health.

How are you sleeping on your back?
Helps prevent curvature of the spine
Reduce headaches from muscle spasms
Reduce pressure, thus helping to relieve chronic back pain.
Helps prevent acid reflux
Prevent wrinkles and creases on the face.

Tips to help you sleep on your back all night

The mattress must support the back well.
Some people may prefer to sleep on hard floors. or thin futon While some people like to lie down on soft mattresses. or as they call each other that the mattress sucks the soul But the fact that a mattress that is too hard or too soft may not be a good choice. If you want to sleep comfortably on your back Woke up with no back pain Should choose a mattress that can support the weight of the body. The back and spine are in a straight line in the natural plane. It does not put pressure on any part of the body. If you have to share a bed with someone else Should choose the size of the mattress to fit. leaving room to move don't have to sleep together And the mattress should be replaced every 8 years.

Choose the right pillow Sleep on your back more comfortably.
A healthy pillow must support your head. and the curvature of the neck to the shoulders There is no gap between the pillow and the neck. The height of the pillow must be appropriate. Not too low or too high, causing neck pain, when supported, must make the windpipe higher than the abdomen To prevent food or acid from refluxing from the gastrointestinal tract.

Use a pillow under the knee or lower back.
If you still can't get a new mattress that supports your spine and back. A pillow or a rolled up towel may be placed under the knee or lower back. To match the curve of the spine, reduce pressure, help prevent back pain. It also prevents you from rolling over or turning around because of the aches and pains.

Lie fully spread out your arms and legs.
Lying on your back doesn't mean you have to lie on your arms. legs together all the time Because it can cause muscle tension. and aches and pains If you want to sleep comfortably on your back Try lying with your arms and legs extended. fully unfolded because in addition to helping to relax the muscles It will also help keep your joints from being pressed or carrying too much weight.

Practice sleeping on your back to get used to.
For those who are used to sleeping in other positions It may take a little practice to lie on your back normally. If you find yourself accidentally flipping over in a different position. Immediately return to sleep on your back. The important thing is not to give up, and to practice lying on your back properly. until you get used to better health

If you want to sleep on your back to be healthy. One thing to keep in mind is that The supine position may not be suitable for everyone. For example, people with sleep apnea or snoring should sleep on their side. Do not lie on your back, as this can cause the tongue to block the windpipe, making it more difficult to breathe. or snoring harder than before