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How to start trading?

How to start trading?

I'm new to trading, so absolutely everything is giving me a hard time right now. I will be glad to your advice and recommendations.

Re: How to start trading?

I also was once a beginner in trading, and it was difficult for me, because there is too much information, a lot of unclear details, and so on. I'm glad that I found resource https://topbrokers.com/forex-brokers/aafx-trading-review which has a lot of information about crypto trading, useful articles for traders, reviews on brokers. All in all, it seems to me that this is a great resource not only for beginners, but also for more experienced traders.

Re: How to start trading?

Aby rozpocząć handel, wybierz niezawodną platformę handlową. Mogę podzielić się przydatnym portalem finansowym, gdzie znalazłem ranking najlepszych giełd kryptowalut P2P https://tgdratings.com/pl/articles/p2p-exchanges/ . Po przeanalizowaniu plusów i minusów każdej z nich, skończyłem na rejestracji w bezpiecznym serwisie KuCoin. Pozwala on na kupno i sprzedaż kryptowalut bez pośredników i prowizji. Polecam.