Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen - Kindesverwahrlosung

Online Payment

Online Payment

Hello, please tell me if there is a way to integrate payment systems?
We are in the construction business and have always used paypal, but now there is a request to connect other payment gateways
It is important that the system is well established in the market as we look forward to continuous and long-term cooperation
I will be grateful if you share your experience)

Re: Online Payment

Hello, It is important not to confuse the Payment Processor with the Payment Gateway, because they are not the same thing. The processing center is engaged in the analysis and transmission of data on payments, while the responsibility of the payment gateway is the accuracy of the information provided. It is he who, based on the data received, decides to allow or reject the operation. Without the existence of a payment gateway, conducting a transaction on the Internet would be impossible in principle. Visually, the payment gateway is a page where the buyer enters his payment information. Having received this data, the payment gateway encrypts it and transmits it over a secure channel. You can get all these processes by integrating the payment system, for example, the payadmit company provides services for all payment solutions.