Stephanie Beacham - Stephanie

Wer passt Eurer Meinung nach besser...

Re: Wer passt Eurer Meinung nach besser...

I voted for Zackery Powers.
Although he in some way betrays Sable I really think he is the only man who truly loves her!
Even when Sable goes to Denver she takes that Matiss picture- Zack"s present- with her.

Re: Wer passt Eurer Meinung nach besser...


I didn't realize it. Could we see it in any scene???

Re: Wer passt Eurer Meinung nach besser...

Hello Sabella,
Are you asking about Matisse picture? If so I saw that Zach"s present in
"Dynasty". It was on the wall of Sable"s appartment. I will try to find
the episode, I do not think I can put it on YouTube, coz I have it on
Great to hear from you!


Re: Wer passt Eurer Meinung nach besser...

It would be so nice from you if you look in which scene the Matiss is...

I think its a reason to see the scenes with Sable once again... I will try to see them in the next days...