UruguayUndQuerbeet - Auswandern allgemein

Uruka Eco Village Pueblo Edén, Maldonado, Uruguay

Uruka Eco Village Pueblo Edén, Maldonado, Uruguay

Da planen Suedafrikaner hier etwas aufzubauen.
Mal beobachten was daraus wird.

Pueblo Edén or El Edén is a lovely town with an amazing history and with a very good infrastructure. It is affectionately known as the “slow town” as the speed limit is only 30 km per hour.

This is where emigrants from a variety of countries have found their home. This piece of paradise is where a group of South Africans from mostly European descent will establish Uruka Eco-village. People from Europe and America are welcome to join us.


Die schreiben allerdings, dass einige Staedte relativ nah sind, z. B. zum arbeiten. Arbeit zu finden duerfte aber nicht soooooooooo einfach sein!