UruguayUndQuerbeet - Südamerika (Lateinamerika) - Eine Welt auf einem Kontinent

Hollande suggests Argentina could help Europe's refugee crisis by taking Syrian families

Hollande suggests Argentina could help Europe's refugee crisis by taking Syrian families

Hollande suggests Argentina could help Europe's refugee crisis by taking Syrian families

French President Francois Hollande suggested Wednesday that Argentina could take in some of the hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing civil war. The idea appeared to be an off-the-cuff comment during a news conference by Hollande and Argentine President Mauricio Macri after they met privately and signed agreements on issues ranging from fighting terrorism to increasing cultural exchanges.


Warum soll z. B. Suedamerika die Fluechtlinge aufnehmen? Sollen das doch diejenigen tun, die deren Heimatlaender verwuesten, allen voran die USA!