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Mid-Atlantic ridge with iron-rich waters extending from Brazil to Namibia discovered

Mid-Atlantic ridge with iron-rich waters extending from Brazil to Namibia discovered

Mid-Atlantic ridge with iron-rich waters extending from Brazil to Namibia discovered

At the slow-spreading mid-Atlantic ridge in the South Atlantic Ocean an iron cloud spreads for more than 1,000 kilometers across the Atlantic from west of Namibia, Africa, to northeast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The iron-rich waters flow 1,500 to 3,500 meters beneath the surface of the ocean. The complete extent and shape of the iron plume remains to be discovered.

Re: Mid-Atlantic ridge with iron-rich waters extending from Brazil to Namibia discovered

Hier habe ich einen entsprechenden Bericht in deutsch gefunden von WELT

Eine Wolke transportiert Eisen in den Atlantik

In den Tiefen der Ozeane, dort, wo die Kontinentalplatten auseinanderdriften, gelangen frische Mineralien aus dem Erdmantel in die Biosphäre. Solche Schlote aus der Unterwelt sind häufiger als gedacht.Von Claudia Georgi