Two days ago , on Thursday the 13th, our neighbors had a home invasion.
here some details I was told:
In early afternoon, some 3 guys knocked at the door of our neighbors.
The lady owner opened the door and was totally surprised, because the house is in the back of their lot. (They must have climbed the fence or opened the gate. Normally no one is directly at the door of the house.).
The 3 guys asked for a glass of water !!!???!!! Meantime the owner came to the door as well - and at this moment the guys hit him on his head, he was knocked down to the ground. (lucky - he only had minor injuries on his forehead).
They forced the couple (mid 60's) to show them "a cellar with a safe", a "safe locker" with cash and to hand over "big cash". They also claimed, they were "informed they had a safe locker and cash" and they were "Italians and rich" !!!!! (where from this information came, no one knows, because all was untrue. The couple are Urugayans, no cellar, no safe !!).
The police investigators visited the neighbors and us and gave this information - more I do not know yet !!
The police agent told me further, that in the last few month home invasions and burglaries increased very much in our area from the Toll towards Piriapolis and Parque del Plata The question about alarm and dogs were answered as follows. Alarm etc. is not switched on during the day and if owners are in the house. That's why they come now during daytime. With dogs ??? They already have incidents where dogs (living outside) are shot or poisoned. Also, most people have not locked their doors during the day.
Because of this crime increase the police established a new section in Atlantida.
Here the information:
Atlantida seccion 417 Area Investigaciones Atlantida Direccion : Av.Artigas y Roger Balet
Agente Barcelo Phone 43722118
Agente Barcelo is a nice tough lady, but does not speak any English. She is the one who visited us, but there are more agents in the seccion.
She asked me to spread out the information: BE ALERT AND VIGILANT AND TELL THEM EVERY SUSPICIOUS INFORMATION !!! NO MATTER WHAT - Before some more will happen.
In case you own a gun, don't tell anyone. Burglars come especially to seize guns !
Re: Achtung !
Zitat: Tschicki Folgendes Mail erhielt ich gerade ueber Freunde:
Home Invasion on Thursday !!!
Dear Friends,
Two days ago , on Thursday the 13th, our neighbors had a home invasion.
here some details I was told:
In early afternoon, some 3 guys knocked at the door of our neighbors.
The lady owner opened the door and was totally surprised, because the house is in the back of their lot. (They must have climbed the fence or opened the gate. Normally no one is directly at the door of the house.).
The 3 guys asked for a glass of water !!!???!!! Meantime the owner came to the door as well - and at this moment the guys hit him on his head, he was knocked down to the ground. (lucky - he only had minor injuries on his forehead).
They forced the couple (mid 60's) to show them "a cellar with a safe", a "safe locker" with cash and to hand over "big cash". They also claimed, they were "informed they had a safe locker and cash" and they were "Italians and rich" !!!!! (where from this information came, no one knows, because all was untrue. The couple are Urugayans, no cellar, no safe !!).
The police investigators visited the neighbors and us and gave this information - more I do not know yet !!
The police agent told me further, that in the last few month home invasions and burglaries increased very much in our area from the Toll towards Piriapolis and Parque del Plata The question about alarm and dogs were answered as follows. Alarm etc. is not switched on during the day and if owners are in the house. That's why they come now during daytime. With dogs ??? They already have incidents where dogs (living outside) are shot or poisoned. Also, most people have not locked their doors during the day.
Because of this crime increase the police established a new section in Atlantida.
Here the information:
Atlantida seccion 417 Area Investigaciones Atlantida Direccion : Av.Artigas y Roger Balet
Agente Barcelo Phone 43722118
Agente Barcelo is a nice tough lady, but does not speak any English. She is the one who visited us, but there are more agents in the seccion.
She asked me to spread out the information: BE ALERT AND VIGILANT AND TELL THEM EVERY SUSPICIOUS INFORMATION !!! NO MATTER WHAT - Before some more will happen.
In case you own a gun, don't tell anyone. Burglars come especially to seize guns !Leider ein Phänomen, das weltweit um sich greift. Nicht nur in Uruguay, auch in Deutschland. Durch die Aufhebung der Grenzkontrollen kommen teilweise hoch spezialisierte Einbrecherbanden, Taschendiebe und sonstiges kriminelles Gelumpe nach Deutschland. Begehen Straftaten und verschwinden sofort wieder oft ins östliche Ausland. Dabei werden nicht selten strafunmündige Kinder bei Einbrüchen eingesetzt.
Vorgezogen werden grenznahe, einsamere Landstriche, mit wenig Polizei und schnellem Fluchtweg zur Autobahn. Aber auch in Ballungsgebieten nimmt die Zahl der Straftataten zu. Die Politik reduziert immer mehr Personal, weil unbezahlbar. Stets bezahlbar bleibt dagegen jegliche Misswirtschaftsfolgen bei Banken und pleite EU Staaten. Kommt es da mittlerweilen auf 1 Milliarde mehr oder weniger an??
Es ist mittlerweilen in Deutschland zum kotzen. Und die Kanzlerin Merkel, die vieles für die Bürger bessermachen könnte, wenn sie nur wollte, wird vom Volke gefeiert.
Deutschland nähert sich zunehmen einem nicht mehr in den Griff bekommenden Saustall, der bevorzugt nur noch den Nutzen für eine Elite als Ziel hat. Und Deutschland nähert sich immer stärker korrupten Ländern, wo Gewalt letztlich immer rücksichtsloser im Alltag der Menschen sich verfestigen kann. Leider verbessern die hundert tausende von Asylanten diese Problematik nicht im geringsten.
Die Globalisierung bereitet einigen Menschen vorzügliche Vorteile. Die Masse der Bevölkerung wird durch eine zunehmende verlotternde Politik mit Verlust ihres Sicherheitsgefühl, Verbraucherschutzabbau, Ausplünderung durch den Staat, reduzierung ihres sozialen, wirtschaftlichen Standes und Entfremdung im eigenen Land bezahlen.
So wird ein zukünftig, gemeinsames Europa aussehen. Reiche, die sich Sicherheitspersonal leisten können und "normale"Menschen, die spüren, das Anarchie und Kriminalität zunehmen wird, nicht aber der dazu gehörige notwendige Schutz des einzelnen Bürgers durch die Executive davor.
Ähnlich wird es auch in Deiner Sierra sein.
Re: Achtung !
Na hier in der Sierra geht es schon. Es sind mal einzelne Gestalten die sich hier herumtreiben. Jahrelang war praktisch garnix.
Uruguay hat insgesamt eine homogene Gesellschaft. Es ist anders als im Europa/Deutschland heute. Ich habe mehr Angst um das was im alten Europa noch kommen kann als hier in der Sierra.
Europa hat schon so viele Menschen und kriegt nun Massen hinzu, wo man schon nicht mehr weiss wie man sie unterbringen soll. Im Sommer gehts ja noch, aber was wird in der kalten Jahreszeit sein?