Vampireguild - Kritik, Korrekturen und sonstige Anmerkungen



hier kommen dann alle links hinein. von Anne Rice bis "Nüzliche Infos über vampire"... hier wird sich wohl so einiges finden

Why won´t you Die? You´re Blood in mine, will be fine
see your Body will be mine"

Yes. For the Vampire Lestat, that little candle, that miraculous tiny candle, increasing by that small amount all the light in the universe! And burning in an empty church the night long among those other little flames. It would be burning on the morrow when the faithful came; when the sun shone through these doors.
Keep your vigil, little candle, in darkness and in sunshine.
Yes, for me.

Re: Linksammlung

Hier was Klamottentecfhnisches... geile Klamotten für das gehobene Portmonee (also nicht meins -.-)

Why won´t you Die? You´re Blood in mine, will be fine
see your Body will be mine"