Where dreams come true - English corner

Hey ya outside

Hey ya outside

How r ya all???? I'm so bored!!!!!!!!! *gääähn* I'm ill so I had to stay home today..... !!!!!!!! What have ya done today???? Hope a lil bit more than me !!!!!!!!!!

~*~ Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum! ~*~

Re: Hey ya outside

ur ill? isn´t too bad, hopefully

i´m staying at home, too. and i´m also bored i wrote a little bit fiction and later i watched tv. the same like everyday

“Normally I would be doing that, what Shane’s doing, which is kicking out on the couch. But unfortunately I drank too many Red Bulls to be able to even sit down” Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

I went to school. In fact it was the 'Berufskolleg'.

Re: Hey ya outside

it was interesting, right?

“Normally I would be doing that, what Shane’s doing, which is kicking out on the couch. But unfortunately I drank too many Red Bulls to be able to even sit down” Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

i was also in school but only for two hours so it wasn´t that long and in the afternoon i slept because the wether aoutside isn´t that nice it´s raining all the time today

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)


Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: MarksGrübchenFan
it was interesting, right? You were asking me? Well, I was sooooooooooo tired today because I woke up at 4:15 am and actually I had to wake up at 6am. Der ganze Vormittag war im Arsch. *sorry*

Re: Hey ya outside


your reason for sleeping is good *lmao* where´re you from? here in bavaria it has rained only in the evening for one hour, or so. (urg, my english ).

i think i´m going to watch one of my wl dvd´s now. later i´ll watching tv total and maybe i´m writing a little bit fiction :). what are you doing?

“Normally I would be doing that, what Shane’s doing, which is kicking out on the couch. But unfortunately I drank too many Red Bulls to be able to even sit down” Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: Fien
Zitat: MarksGrübchenFan
it was interesting, right? You were asking me? Well, I was sooooooooooo tired today because I woke up at 4:15 am and actually I had to wake up at 6am. Der ganze Vormittag war im Arsch. *sorry* oh bad dreams?

“Normally I would be doing that, what Shane’s doing, which is kicking out on the couch. But unfortunately I drank too many Red Bulls to be able to even sit down” Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

No, not at all. Well...I can't remember if there were any.

Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: Fien
No, not at all. Well...I can't remember if there were any. *gg*

i have this problem, when i´m dreaming form westlife . i can´t remember myself the next day

“Normally I would be doing that, what Shane’s doing, which is kicking out on the couch. But unfortunately I drank too many Red Bulls to be able to even sit down” Mark Feehily