Where dreams come true - English corner

Hey ya outside

Re: Hey ya outside

Nono... it's called "Alright story, what's the folks??!!"
How r ya all today??? I think I'm in a good mood today *hehe c ya later Nise*
Ok.... byrne byrne, luv ya all

~*~ Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum! ~*~

* 30.10.2004 ~ Forumstreff in Köln ~ Wer kommt mit??? *

Re: Hey ya outside

How's everyone feelin' tonight?

May Peace Prevail On Earth.

Re: Hey ya outside

Fine and u?

~Member of the Markzi-Clan~

Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: EganBaby
"Alright story, what's the folks??!!"

~*~ Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum! ~*~

* 30.10.2004 ~ Forumstreff in Köln ~ Wer kommt mit??? *

My name is not Mark Feehily

~Member of the Markzi-Clan~

Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: Guitar-Lady
Zitat: EganBaby
"Alright story, what's the folks??!!" My name is not Mark Feehily *g* Good one!

May Peace Prevail On Earth.

Re: Hey ya outside

i know

~Member of the Markzi-Clan~

Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: Fien
How's everyone feelin' tonight?

May Peace Prevail On Earth.al right?

i´m fine, too. could hug the whole world.

don´t know if that´s interestin´ for u, but i found out yesterday, that my english is a little bit better than it was before it´s sad, that u can´t see that in this topic . my written englisch is too bad anyway, i like it and i understand a little bit more nicky *lmao* jesus, what a rubbish

is anyone here, who wants to talk?

only 8 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

I'm here

What do u want to talk about?

~Member of the Markzi-Clan~

Re: Hey ya outside

erm. everythin´

what about mark?

only 8 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily

Re: Hey ya outside

did u read this bad interview? don´t know, for which magazin it was, but it was bad. i mean the one, where the interviewer has asked questions like "shane, are u and gillian like rabbits...?"

sorry for the false grammar. i´ll never understand that

only 8 days to our forum meeting in cologne!!!

"The first thing I do when I wake up is close my eyes and continue sleeping!" Mark Feehily