Where dreams come true - English corner

Hey ya outside

Re: Hey ya outside

I've got a headache!

May Peace Prevail On Earth.

Re: Hey ya outside

ooooh....get well soon, Fien...!!!

~*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!

Re: Hey ya outside

Zitat: Fien
I've got a headache!why do u have that?

i´m so damn bored at the moment there´s nobody here and i don´t know what to do. well there´s nothing interesting in the tv and i don´t want to look mark pics. that wouldn´t be good for me. it´s to late for that cause i wouldn´t be able to sleep later if i do

ahhhhwwwwww my dvd will come tomorrow.......i hope that . ahhhhhh. someone who`ll get it, too? want to talk about it, after i´ve seen it. would be great, need someone to talk about. there´re to many of u, who haven´t enought money to buy and i don´t talk about it, if someone don´t have it. u were all so nice to me in the time while i was waiting for receiving my cd.

thanks for that

anyway i hope u did survive this bad english lines

03.06.04 Oberhausen
12.02.05 Dublin
01.04.05 München
As we all know we were once five, but now four and therefore we would say a special thanks to Bryan for the five years of his life he dedicated to us!! (Westlife Thank You "Allow us to be Frank")

Re: Hey ya outside

hahaha..*lol* hey, your english isn't that bad...it's really very good!!!

~*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!
#37 Nixtas and proud of it!!!

Re: Hey ya outside

Your englisch is really good, eva! Almost better than mine I think! What did ya all do 2day?!

~*~Do dreams come true?-They do!~*~

Re: Hey ya outside

thank u

i don´t think so denise, ur english is really good and better than mine.

well what did i do on friday? this -->

saturday there was the same

well sunday and monday i´ve learned my head off and today i had one part of my final tests

it was really difficult, but i think it doesn´t matter anyone here

anyway. what did ya all do?

Re: Hey ya outside

Hey ya all!!!
What r ya doing @ time??? It's so boring here... don't know what to do....!!! I'm ill... ... so i have to stay home!!!*damn cold*

~*~ ~*~


Re: Hey ya outside

you´re ill? that´s not good . what do u have?

well i was sleeping while u wrote that . in a few minutes i´ll go to my nana and eat "apfelstrudel" . the strudel is yummy . and afterwords i´ll watch skijumping.

so, thats my day. dunno what i´ll do in the evening. maybe nothing i´ll see. last weekend was a lil bit 2 much, i think

Re: Hey ya outside

I've got a biiiig cold....

~*~ ~*~


Re: Hey ya outside

It´s soooooo broing out here! No one´s got time for m! I dunno what 2 do now! My parnets are at xmasmarket! ahhhhhh BORING!!!!!!

~*~Do dreams come true?-They do!~*~