"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)
Ich hab auch welche Sorry falls sie schon gepostet wurden aber ich find die sweet!!!!!!!!
~*~ Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum! ~*~
* 30.10.2004 ~ Forumstreff in Köln ~ Wer kommt mit??? *
Re: Marky pix #4
naaaaaaaaaaaaachschub...... oh man..langsam hängt mein hirn ein wenig nach...weiß gar ne mehr, beid en vielen pics, hier was schon war, und was nit...
"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)
"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)
"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)
der blick heiß.. "I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)
"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)
ähm ja...lol...so kann dat gehn..hat der marky mich wieder voll in seinen bann gezogen...vergess ich des pic...hab da ja nichma eienn buchstaben geshcrieben...oh man...
"I can't say the word... I can say most words to be honest. Actually, how can I tell you the word if I can't say it?" - Mark Feehily (....just try it, Mark!!!!!)