Where dreams come true - Shane Filan

Shane ist Daddy!!!!

Shane ist Daddy!!!!

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ich freu mich so für die beiden :heupf: so süß, hoffentlich lässt die presse die drei halbwegs in ruhe

Westlife star Shane Filan was flying without wings yesterday as he experienced the thrill of becoming a dad for the first time.
The 26-year-old pop idol was clearly elated after his wife Gillian gave birth to a baby girl, Nicole, who weighted in at five-and-a-half pounds.
"It's unbelieveable. It really is the best day of your life," Shane told the Sunday World yesterday afternoon as he rushed back into Sligo General Hosipital with a bouquet of flowers for his wife.

The couple's happiness followed a dramatic 24 hours when it was discovered that the fluid around the baby in the womb was dangerously low.
Medical staff decided to proceed with a caesarean birth yesterday morning, and little Nicole came into the world at 8.27am, two-and-a-half weeks premature.
"She's a small little baby, a gorgeous little thing," Shane told me. "The fluid around the baby was low in the last few weeks and after a scan on Friday morning it was decided to go ahead with the caesarean this morning."


"There was no fluid around the baby, so they didn't want to take any chances. But the baby is fine now, thanks be to God. And Gillian is in great form. She's sitting up holding the baby right now. All is brilliant in the Filan camp."

Shane's excitement was palpable as he tried to come to terms with the fact that he's now a dad. Even though he's had 13 number one hits with Westlife, including Quuen Of My Heart, the star yesterday admitted they don't compare to the joy and thrill of fatherhood.
"They don't even come close," he laughed.
Shane and Gillian, who live in a fairytale seven-bed manshion in their native Sligo, wed at Ballintubber Abbey in Co. Mayo, in December 2003.

Westlife shave been on an extended break, amid recording sessions for their next album.

Shane said yesterday that he's looking forward to spending some time with Gillian and their baby daughter before Westlife start promoting their new CD later in the autumn.
"Tell all the fans thanks for all their support. I've had lots of letters and cards from them in the last few months since it became known that Gillian was expecting. I really appreciate it," he added.

Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

awwwwwwwwwwwww supi *freu*

Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

awwww, wie geeeiiill.... ! und sooooo cute, cute, cute *für den kleinen shaney und für gillian freu*!

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#37 Nixtas
#1 Nixys and proud 2 b da founder
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Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

dieses glückliche gesicht

Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!


Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

ahhh geilloo dann hat die kleine 3 tage vor jason geburstag haha der wird morgen geboren gfeil ich freu mich für shane.. er is dadddyy:)

cool ich freu mich:)

Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

Ich auch ey und wie ich habs den beiden so richtig gegönnt!!!

Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

vorallem so weil shane wso richtig erwachsen wird ejtzt:)... jetzt wiord er band daddy haha... wird geil ey

Re: Shane ist Daddy!!!!

Ja auf jeden hat jetzt ja ne richtige Verantwortung zu tragen usa klena kobold!