Re: Yes-Tour 2008
Zitat: BBQ.Master
Zitat: Fragile
Naja, Dieter kann ja ähnlich hoch singen wie Jon.Der kann singen? Der lässt das Band singen!Richtig und besonders die Technik allgemein
Zitat: BBQ.Master
Zitat: Fragile
Naja, Dieter kann ja ähnlich hoch singen wie Jon.Der kann singen? Der lässt das Band singen!Richtig und besonders die Technik allgemein
Oder er jagt seine Stimme durch den Vocoder! Aber dann könnte der Synthi kaputtgehen.
Ich wäre dafür, dass David Gilmour eine Gastperformance macht. *verschwind und duck*
Wenn Yes nach Kölle oder nach Frankfurt kommen, können sie sich von den von mir gezahlten Eintrittskarten ein oder sonstwas kaufen. Auf jeden Fall: wenn Yes nächstes Jahr ---> <--- machen, bin ich dabei. (Wie das bei "Ritual" mit dem Tanzen aussieht.....)
PS: Wenn der Inselsänger kommt, bin ich in der ersten Reihe. *nocheinmal versteck*. Ich glaube ich muss mich mal beim Bruder-Franziskus anmelden.
The good:
"Possible world tour in 2008 & other plans
The current line-up of Yes appear to have specific ideas for a world tour in summer 2008, coinciding with their 40th anniversary. (It is notable that Alan White is scheduled to play a date with Circa: in May 2008, and Steve Howe may be playing with Asia that month, suggesting any Yes tour would start afterwards.) Two reports suggested that discussions have moved beyond the idea stage and that tour dates are being worked out. In Mar 2007, in comments to a fan after a show, White reportedly said that Yes are planning to play Prague next year, possibly in Jun. In an Apr 2007 interview with a Mexican newspaper (reports also here and here), Chris Squire said the band would tour Europe and North America (and they would try to include Mexico) in 2008. A report circa Apr 2007 also has Squire talking about a "big" Yes world tour in 2008. However, some reports are more cautious: at the Steve Howe Trio show on 20 May 2007, Howe said that he is "praying and begging" for a Yes tour next year, but he is not sure whether or not it will happen.
New music is also planned: in an interview for the May/Jun issue of Bass Guitar (UK magazine), Squire says, "We took 2005 and 2006 off for solo projects and to have a rest but we'd like to do some recording for the future." On a 26 Jul BBC Radio Kent interview, Squire says there will be a 40th anniversary tour followed by a new album, with band activity to continue into 2009. "
the bad....
Roger Dean: Floating islands
"Previously, there was talk of Yes actively collaborating on the project, but any plans seem to have gone cold, with planning for "Floating Islands" continuing without Yes's input and Yes in discussions with Universal Pictures for what seems to be a separate project. "Floating Islands" is expected to feature music by Yes, but, in Jun 2007, Dean said that Yes are not currently involved with the problem beyond authorising the use of their music. A report from around 2005 had that the film is intended to contain 8-12 classic tracks (a re-recorded "Close to the Edge" was mentioned in one rumour) and at least 4-5 new recordings, while a Jun 2006 report still talked of classic and new Yes music. In Jun 2007, Dean confirmed there had previously been discussion of Yes writing new music for the film and that the band had been thinking of "re-recording everything" (presumably meaning re-recording the classic pieces used in the film), but that there hadn't been any discussion of new music recently with Yes being dormant.
Zitat: fox
A report from around 2005 had that the film is intended to contain 8-12 classic tracks (a re-recorded "Close to the Edge" was mentioned in one rumour) and at least 4-5 new recordings, while a Jun 2006 report still talked of classic and new Yes music. In Jun 2007, Dean confirmed there had previously been discussion of Yes writing new music for the film and that the band had been thinking of "re-recording everything" (presumably meaning re-recording the classic pieces used in the film), but that there hadn't been any discussion of new music recently with Yes being dormant.Neuaufnahmen der alten Stücke? Ob das aber so gut ist...
Hauptsache neue Songs! Squire hat sicher neues Material dabei, sonst würde er nicht so auf ein neues Album drängen.
Ein schneller Longtrack wäre nicht schlecht. Vielleicht verarbeiten sie das Anderson/Wakeman-Material. Wie gesagt, Squire hat sicher auch etwas vorbereitet.
Zitat: JJG
Zitat: BBQ.Master
Zitat: JJG
ENDLICH ! ... wird es konkreter mit den Plänen von Yes und das wir uns dort auf allen Konzerten Deutschlands sehen !
Und bei World Peace kommense auch, prima!
Die Pläne sind genauso konkret wie vorher: Es wird eine Jubiläumstour geben.