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Pochemu Progulival Schkolu(PPS)

Pochemu Progulival Schkolu(PPS)

Normaly I would say just one of these days

But I say that an unhuman caschulties have trown my helth to its limits by overloading my hardcore system with anormus amount of pain and suffercation.

So it made my body unable to move and put my organic system to an hibernate mode

Was dich nicht umbringt,
Macht dich nur noch Stärker.


Re: Pochemu Progulival Schkolu(PPS)

Esli kto budet lubesnim skaschite che tvorilos v SChkole
Budu iskreni blogodarin

Was dich nicht umbringt,
Macht dich nur noch Stärker.


Re: Pochemu Progulival Schkolu(PPS)

da wyzdorawliwaj po skoree; a w shkole ni4ego osobennogo ne bylo