corazoncito - For my english speaking mates

Hello mates!

Re: Hello mates!

yes I know.. ok..maybe...

Re: Hello mates!

listening to it, right now

Re: Hello mates!

Hello everyone!!

Just thought I'd drop a short hi message. Thanks for the invite Mona! I'm a part of your forum now and i think its cool! I'll talk to you soon!


Re: Hello mates!

Hi Sue,

I hope you have fun at my forum...
Hope you write a lot of articles

Re: Hello mates!

hi sue,w elcome on board

Re: Hello mates!

hello sue, nice to see you here


Re: Hello mates!

it is really silent in her


Re: Hello mates!

yeah krinna so true.. very pity....

Re: Hello mates!

i am sorry i havent been responding to any of the messages here left by some of you. i've been so caught up for the last few weeks in trying to help a friend that i kinda have to put aside my other corresponds. i'm so sorry..i'll try to do better the next time.
thank you so much to krinna and pso for their welcome messages, you guys are soo sweet! i truly appreciates it. i feel so welcome!! thank you thank you
so whats been up in here?? keep me update!

Re: Hello mates!

Hello Sue,

I'm so sorry I didn't reply your email!
I had a very stressful and crazy week!
But I promise I will answer soon. I think I'll have more time now!
How you can see there are more and new smilies!

So how are you? Did you get more the last days???