A David Caruso Tribute - Hallo Newbies!

Don't be scared, it's just me.

Don't be scared, it's just me.


I'm from Holland.

I do understand german and I can read it, but my writing is shit , so it is best if I write in english.

My name is Lian (32) and I have 3 kids.

Nikki she is 7.

Quentin he is almost 3.

Naftali she is 1.

I'm a fulltime mum and I'm a huge fan of David Caruso .

Yesterday I bought 4 movies with DC in it.

Jade, Kiss of death, Session 9 and CSI- Miami Felony flight.

I'm going to have a very nice week, watching these movies.

Anyway, if you want to know more about me, just ask.

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Na dann,wellcome !!!  Süß die drei. Have a lot of Fun .

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Hallo Lian,

hey, wir werden hier ja richtig international!! Super! Ein herzliches Willkommen für dich, ich wünsche dir hier viel Spass! Deine Kid's sind ja süß!

LG Flymoon

Danke Mel!!

Belle:Did you know Horatio was the first CSI?
Horatio: He was..er..what?
Belle: In Hamlet, when Hamlet was poisoned and dying. He asked his best friend Horatio to tell the world who murdered him.
Horatio: Ok, I'll tell the world.

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Auch von mir ein herzliches willkommen und viel Spaß bei uns.Deine Kids sind wirklich süß     LG Blümchen

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Hello Lian,

welcome here on the tribute. Your kids are very nice. I hope you´ll have a great time here and a lot of fun.

All the best, Zoe

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Hallo Lian,

auch von mir ein herzliches Willkommen. Leider ist mein Englisch nicht so gut, daher begrüße ich dich auf deutsch.

LG Martina

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Thank you all for your very warm welcome.
The picture of my kids is a few months old, so the youngest one has changed a bit.

I have been watching all the pictures here, and it was very nice watching them.
I really like this forum.

Today I have bought the DVD pack of the 1st season of CSI Miami.
I will get all the other DVD's aswell.


Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Hallo Lian!

Herzlich willkommen hier. Ich hoffe du kannst mein und unser Deutsch lesen. Mein Englisch ist leider nicht sehr gut (um nicht zu sagen peinlich).

Gibt es in Holland eigentlich auch CSI:Miami? Aktuell vielleicht?

Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

I understand German very well and I can read it too, but my writing is SH.T

CSI Miami is on tv every teusday overhere in Holland.
Next thursday Kiss of death is on aswell.
I'll be watching.


Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Zitat: Gast
I understand German very well and I can read it too, but my writing is SH.T

CSI Miami is on tv every teusday overhere in Holland.
Next thursday Kiss of death is on aswell.
I'll be watching.


Re: Don't be scared, it's just me.

Manchmal hat der Weihnachtstreß, den es eigentlich noch nicht geben dürfte, doch wirklich seine Vorteile!
Wie schön das Ihr hier schon die Verständigungsfrage geklärt habt!

In diesem Sinne: Hallo! Und Willkommen!

Fühl Dich hier wie zu Hause, schreibe was immer Dir in den Sinn kommt und lasse Dich von uns allen aufs herzlichste drücken. (Oh, ich spreche mal wieder in der Mehrzahl.....also von mir auf jeden Fall).

Alles liebe Chyio