Rollenspiel-Forum Hermersberg und Umgebung - Der Salon der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten



Das klingt ja fast so, als müsste der Kai das kaufen und leiten

Re: Torchbearer


‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’

Re: Torchbearer

Ein paar Postscripta –

a) Wenn da nicht Luke Crane seine Finger drin hätte, würde ich sagen, das kann ja nur totaler Scheiß werden und haut nie und nimmer hin. Aber so …

b) Zitat Crane: „Encumbrance: The RPG”.

c) Wenn es mal nur nicht zu abstrakt wird.

d) Aaa-hahahaha, es gibt Level.

e) Die Autoren haben sich im Dienste der Wissenschaft aufgeopfert und monatelang eines der älteren D&Ds als Dungeon Crawl haarklein nach den Regeln gespielt. Das Ergebnis hat teilweise humoristischen Wert und erinnert bisweilen an Crawl-das-Computerspiel: sowie

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’

Re: Torchbearer

Ich spiel wohl mit

Re: Torchbearer

Zitat: Punisher
Ich spiel wohl mit Irgendwie überrascht mich das gar nicht.

Ich muß gestehen, daß einzelne Aspekte des von Tobi verlinkten Artikels mich leicht skeptisch werden ließen, aber dann hat sich da so einer so irgendwo in etwa wie folgt geäußert:

Zitat: Ein Typ auf
I've been playtesting Torchbearer at the BWHQ for quite a while now. In the process, I've seen it mutate from an ambitious Mouse Guard hack into a beast that's my favourite RPG at the moment. Like the other Burning games, Torchbearer gives you an intense game. This time the focus is on sheer survival and accumulation of loot, instead of fighting for what you believe in. It also has one of the most emergent play dynamics I've ever encountered with random tables and play procedures throwing up awesome situations constantly.

Like Mouse Guard, Torchbearer is a highly structured RPG with clear procedures. Unlike Mouse Guard, Torchbearer does not have alternating players' and GM's turns. Instead, the play is structured into three types of different phases. Each phase has its own mechanics and dynamics. The heart of the game is the adventure phase, where the players engage with the GM's adventures. Each test you make eats up valuable turns. Once a certain number of turns has passed, you get a condition, starting from the relatively innocuous hungry/thirsty, but spiralling quickly towards serious consequences. It's a race against time, and your equipment and skills are the only things that will get you out alive.

I think the Forbes piece overstated the importance of keeping track of your inventory a bit. It's not Advanced Backpack Simulator (tm). While very important, gear is merely one aspect of the game, and its main function is to force the players to make hard decisions. What to carry and what to leave behind when you finally find that treasure becomes a matter of life and death. We've had PCs stumble into town starved and covered in shit because they were too greedy to keep their survival gear with them. Und das klingt wirklich ziemlich vielversprechend.

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’