Rollenspiel-Forum Hermersberg und Umgebung - Der Transporterraum

Alberne Links, bescheuerte Bilder

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

Wer hats gewusst?

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)


Allerdings nur auf dem Level "ganz schön richtig viel"

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

Ich, hab'S mal im "Buch der Rekorde" gelsesen als.... größte Zahl... --> Fluch dem Buch!

"Schämen sollten sich die Menschen, die sich gedankenlos der Wunder der Wissenschaft und Technik bedienen und nicht mehr davon geistig erfasst haben als die Kuh von der Botanik der Pflanzen, die sie mit Wohlbehagen frisst." (Einstein)

"Hadoken!" (Ryu)

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

Ich möchte an dieser Stelle auf die



Gravity is a myth: earth sucks!

Tote Katzen verkaufen sich eben besser als faule Kartoffeln (YY am 16.9.2005)

(Edit: Tip(p)fehler)

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)


"Schämen sollten sich die Menschen, die sich gedankenlos der Wunder der Wissenschaft und Technik bedienen und nicht mehr davon geistig erfasst haben als die Kuh von der Botanik der Pflanzen, die sie mit Wohlbehagen frisst." (Einstein)

"Hadoken!" (Ryu)

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)


Here, too, I saw a nation of lost souls, far more than were above: they strained their chests against enormous weights, and with mad howls rolled them at one another. Then in haste, they rolled them back, one party shouting out: 'Why do you hoard?' and the other: 'Why do you waste?'

- Virgil , Dante's Inferno

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

fucking absolut


"Software Engineering is a competition between the programmers trying to build bigger, better, idiot-proof programs and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)


Ich kann ihre Begeisterung über mein Erscheinen verstehen, das geht mir Morgens beim Rasieren nicht anders.
(O.o )
(> < )
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

bitte sehr

nachbauen wenns recht ist

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

Man Ticketed For Changing Red Lights To Green
Man Says Device Bought On eBay Cut His Drive To Work

LONGMONT, Colo. -- A Longmont man has been ticketed $50 for suspicion of interfering with a traffic signal, but he says he really enjoyed using it.

Jason Niccum told The Longmont Times-Call that he bought a device that let him change traffic lights from red to green, called an Opticon, on eBay for $100.

He told the newspaper the device "paid for itself" in the two years he had it, helping him cut his time driving to work.

Niccum was cited on March 29 after police said they caught him using the strobe-like device to change traffic signals. Police confiscated the Opticon, and informed Niccum it was illegal to possess it.

"I'm always running late," police quoted Niccum as saying in an incident report.

An Opticon shines a strobe light on the optical sensors set atop some traffic signals, causing lights to jam.

City traffic engineer Joe Olson said traffic engineers plan to update the city's system this year to block unauthorized light-changing signals. He estimated that a new system, which would be able to block out all unauthorized light-changing signals, will cost taxpayers about $75,000.

The Opticon devices, which are becoming more commonplace, are marketed through many different avenues. Dealers are instructed to sell only to "authorized users" such as volunteer first responders, doctors and security personnel, but it is easy for anyone to buy the devices online.Quelle:

Gravity is a myth: earth sucks!

Tote Katzen verkaufen sich eben besser als faule Kartoffeln (YY am 16.9.2005)

Re: Alberne Links (Fortsetzungsreihe)

Never underestimate the power of denial!