Rollenspiel-Forum Hermersberg und Umgebung - Die Andere-Spiele-Ecke

Thimbleweed Park

Thimbleweed Park

He, Jungs. Jungs!

Twenty-five years ago, Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick created the game that introduced the world to 2D point & click adventure games. Maniac Mansion took the computer game world by storm with its compelling story, complex puzzles, cutting edge humor, engaging game play, and provided an entire generation with a new idea of what an adventure game could be. Blah blah blah...

And now they are back together with an all new 2D point & click adventure game! Ron is skinny again and Gary had that rash looked at — and they're here (finally!) to create the true spiritual successor to Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island.Bonus:

Pledge $25 or more

"I pirated Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island when I was a kid and I feel bad!" This reward tier instantly absolves you of all guilt and includes the Thimbleweed Park game. All subsequent tiers also include guilt absolution.

Estimated delivery: Jun 2016‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’