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[Pendragon] Diplom-Ritter

[Pendragon] Diplom-Ritter

Also, neben der Erkenntnis, daß schon wieder nicht Boot gefahren wurde (zum 7. Jahr in Folge oder so! Nächstes Jahr bestimmt, ganz ganz bestimmt!), hier der Aufschrieb der Fertigkeit Diplomatie, vom Chefkoch selbst angerichtet.

Zitat: Greg Stafford
Starting Skill: 2

Diplomacy is the skill of discourse used between lords and kings (or their representatives). Diplomacy is required in dealing with other powerful people in a formal and friendly or neutral, manner. It includes the knowledge of customs, and especially particular customs, of the other party; understanding of the personalities involved; and of language, both subtle and blunt as needed. It requires knowledge of what other powerful people are doing, where that action might bear on this discussion. The diplomat also has to know what gift to give, when, and what would be too much.

Diplomacy is used to settle disputes between earls; or with one of the king’s officers; or with a city, bishop, abbot, or tribe. It’s also used to set up formal, prearranged battles, to bring peace, to set terms of mutual raiding with neighbors, negotiate marriages between powerful families, etc. It is used by barons to compete to rent the leased ferms (see below).

Courtesy — the way of the court — is similar but simpler, by comparison, since it requires only familiarity with one’s own court. Thus while the general qualities are similar, Diplomacy’s content and hidden subtlety always has an edge. Anyone with Courtesy may attempt to Diplomatize, at ¼ Courtesy skill. Modifiers may apply.Ich überlege noch, ob das eine sinnvolle Hinzufügung ist, oder ob Courtesy es nicht aucht täte. Hunting deckt ja z.B. auch Nahrungs- und Wassersuche sowie Orientierung im Gelände und überhaupt seinen-Weg-finden ab.

Hmmmh. Wenn wir das beibehalten, bitte dran denken und den Startwert entsprechend anzupassen.

‘In general, Bumblebee Man only speaks in simple, over-enounced Spanish sentences. His catchphrases of choice are typically “Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”)’