Earth Circle - Atlantis, das alte Ägypten, Sumer und Troja

Atlantis before Earth

Atlantis before Earth

hmm..diesen Text fand ich vor ein paar Minuten in einem englischsprachigen Atlantis-Board.. beim lesen kam mir der Text doch ganz schön abgehoben vor (Eso-Alarm) *lol* und dennoch hab ich ihn mal hier hineinkopiert, könnt ja mal schreiben, was Ihr davon denkt..
Conclusion Statements of

Dr. S. T. K. Kosolapdev

This conclusion statement is a one-of-a-kind

Report for eyes only of the Chair of the Projects Committee.

The material that you have read, as unbelievable as it may seem, is what we have extracted from the complex interior of the multifaceted Scepter. The images created by Claronu and Anjona are all very impressive, though I fear that the paper-like fragments (which have been shown not to be paper but a resin base material) rendered upon by Claronu, will be destroyed when exposed to the air. It is our belief that Anjona must have re-recorded the visuals in a stable format after repairing the Scepter's graphic capabilities. We are currently examining the pieces of resin as a jigsaw puzzle, patiently reassembling them back into their original positions for future study. They will then be cataloged with the newer representations included by Anjona.

These sublime images we can read with our very own eyes; however, other data must be arrived at in order to complete the geometrically expanding picture of this find. Our language will not match the eloquence that must have been the Omegon's true means of transferring information in broadcast form. We do not have the words that adequately convey the meanings of the subtle spectral feel of the symbolic illustrations and alien verbiage that accompanied the Scepter's recordings of Claronu and Anjona; however, I feel the superior programming of the Scepter has somehow helped us arrive at a reasonably accurate translation.

There are other levels of background communications that we are still seeking to decipher, which will, at a later date, amplify the existing information submitted herein. This subliminal feedback "noise" may be the key data to understanding how to develop the prototype of a future version of the Scepter. Perhaps we will realize the power and potential of knowing the secret of the Enigmni also from parsing this data with newly evolving "memaes" messages from the Scepter. Memae's - meaning multiplier/quantifier effects of mentality or knowledge. For some reason there is a multiple dimensionality, or holographic compression effect to the bits of data that emanate from this mechanical marvel.

I am at a loss as to how I should respond to this amazing collection of data retrieved during the course of this project.

On the one hand, it is so simple and breathtaking, yet ultra-climatic and intimidating. On the other, it is perhaps the most frightening information that I have ever learned, and still, I am compelled to maintain my composure when informing others of this abstruse information. It is indeed a heavy burden to know that this totally succinct information is truth personified and reinforced. The truth is inherent within the products and presence of its existence, which are manifestly beyond our comprehension, or our powers of technological development. Yet, we are on the threshold. The very sequence of events displayed to us fairly screams of the unalterable Truth! I, and all others involved in this project, know this event is beyond passion - it is a singularity in the history of our kind. I am beginning to feel as if I am finally learning what kind we really are!

I have worked on this project for two years, and it seems I have been pointed to this end since my beginnings. My feelings at this point, this moment, are indescribable: Never have I felt such sensations in all my existence! My mentality fairly reels with the magnitude of this precious lore as found within its metaphysical underpinnings. This story is too good to experience as reality; it is a fairy tale come true - such does not exist in this sphere.

These recent weeks of constant break-throughs have caused my mentality to actually develop into pains of the head, from contemplation upon this arcane assemblage's repercussions upon human events. It is a true event of such dimensions that it is astronomically beyond everyday, or even super-conceptual reality.

To speak so frankly in this manner is certainly out of academic character, but I know of no other means to convey the importance of this project under these extenuating circumstances. I am going to speak conceptually here, for I think the related data of our attempts at studying Mars - the landings, and all of Anjona's references to the fourth planet - are extremely revealing as to the truth of this Scepter's download to us. There are many deprogramming entanglements that plague the average human mind. Such as Anjona's references to "our probes" on or near his Hytona world at a date we cannot now relate to, yet unless this reference is recent, it could not refer to today's date. He must have been referencing a "probe" at another point in the history of the Earth. This would mean that Earth has been, in the past, as advanced as we are today, or more so. There is some evidence that supports this.

One other possibility could be that Anjona could see into the future and "knows" our stage of development at present. Considering the constant references to Timelessness and Limitlessness, this vision of the future may be accessible to the Omegon mentality for alteration or improvement. Certainly these current events impacting us seem to be known to them across time.

We are quite certain that the reference point in space of Claronu's survey is the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. I believe he calls Jupiter Egog, a pony-sun for deep space an idea not lost on writers of today. An interesting coincidence. Conventional wisdom has long held that it (asteroid belt) represents a failed attempt at planetary formation, with no explanation of why this material failed to accrete into a planet. It seems that all our earlier ideas of this system are wrong.

This asteroid belt currently has enough material to configure and amass a planetary sphere the size of Earth or thereabouts. Apparently, according to the message of Claronu, it was once the world of the Enmayi and the site of the first Logos - Reason, or the Icon called the Hand that Sees - Enigmni. It was constructed by increasingly solid mattered light beings (archetypes) and it was the first artifact of existence in our solar system. We are the remains of the Omegons and the Enmayi misplaced to this once Gardened Planet some four million years ago. We must be their children - or we are they!

According to this survey, the beings on the Enmayi Planet were, for millions of years (orbits and years do not equate to our system of time necessarily), caught in a developmental eddy that kept them in a reoccurring "total state" of male and female aspects, existing in one body form: chromosomes XX and XY in one individual. Our only data on such a possibility here on Earth, other than an occasional random case of such today, can be found in ancient Egyptian history. In the Divine Pomander, attributed to Thoth, who was reported to have lived thousands of years before vanishing, references to beings of both sexes in one were the originators of our civilization. In Thoth's many books or scrolls (he wrote 3,600), this god of wisdom stated that God (Typhon's or Takion's account) created them male and female in one. Many Egyptian artifacts support this metaphysical point of view that some construe as fact. Later the split came on another world or period. The Enmayi history states the identical thesis!

In my estimation, Omegons could represent the sublime evidences of the beings we have found throughout history that come down to Earth and attempt to save humanity from itself. We find references to these beings in every tradition of all cultures: Sumerian, Egyptian, Etruscan, Roman, Mayan, and others as background deities to the major players. All of these "hidden" beings seem to have capabilities beyond normal human abilities. Omegons were the Angels, who were of no particular gender - perhaps they were the enigmatic YY beings, or the giants of the ancient Peruvians who came to establish this world. Angels are often referred to as the "Watchers" of whom Anjona speaks. Watchers are also mentioned in the old Book of Enoch. Christ even referred to Enoch, yet his book did not make the testaments of the Churches. Enoch sounds too much like a space being for most theologians, and has been given the "evil eye." There are the tales of Gilgamesh, which are also filled with an abundance of higher beings with capabilities such as the Omegons.

The simple association of the word Omegon (if that is how they would spell it), with the fact that Christ referred to himself once as Alpha and finally Omega, the last, is quirky when considered here. I am not sure the two sounds mean the same, though it looks like this is the believable case. Omegons undoubtedly think of themselves as the last phase of being before dissolution into the All. Reason is their Logos or iconical representative, as it has always been ours in all-ancient traditions. Dialogue and coherency are truly the keys to humanity's entry to a phase II civilization. It seems to all be related in my way of thinking.

Much of this information is coming to higher meaning in my estimation, almost as if I am seeing the records of all our past history through a thinly woven veil. Linkage of our past is a dovetail joint to these records and with what we now have discovered in the landings on Mars, and those currently in flight to that planet as we speak, great discoveries are about to happen. Some believe we (or some mentality) have been there before. There are many unknowns, which we have discovered on Mars that are truly question marks in the scientific community's decipherment of current data. Something happened there millions years ago that could suggest a form of life...or existence.

I recall that recently, two of our colleagues discovered what they considered life-like elements in samples taken from known asteroids from that very belt. These fragments were taken from Siberia and analyzed only two years ago. Two Russian scientists also found such evidence in the 1980s. The recent find asserts, after testing, that within a range of from 4 to 6 million years ago there was a planetoid that was associated with organic material somehow during that slice of time. In fact, their samples showed more conclusive evidence for life than the particles found in our section of Antarctica, which were believed to be ejecta from Mars at that same time period, indicating some conflagration during that period.

The dating for human-like life on Earth is close to four million years, yet Omegons said they had been here many millions of orbits (their's, our's?) prior to the introduction of Koan's and Planca's arrival. I believe Omegons do not leave behind any evidence of their departure form this physical life. I think, after hearing of Claronu's departure, that they are in a rapid state of dissolution at that point. Nothing of them other than their works would ever be found. Vaporization!

We can only speculate on these matters, and nothing is really conclusive. However, we can note that the physical anthropologists have been notably unsuccessful in proving that human beings evolved here on Earth, even though there are great similarities between Homo sapiens sapiens and the terrestrial primates. Where are our ancestors? We review the records and evidence for the Neanderthal (Neandertal per latest convention), the Cro-Magnon and other early types, and yet, we cannot state emphatically that we are their children. The message recorded by Claronu indicates quite explicitly that the savants of old were extremely expert in genetic engineering; their knowledge of the Moiré Arena and All. And this provides a possible explanation for the many traces of different versions of early man in geologic record. We are left with the conclusion that the past four million years of Earth's history was a vast exercise in the "virtual" manipulation of genetic elements and principles. It is possible, since nothing is conclusive and this find seems real, that we are the results of "highly placed" genetic engineering. Perhaps we are the products of our own re-engineering of ourselves to accommodate the dictates of this planet's environment or some other demand. With all the cloning and genetic manipulation that we are involved in today, legally and illegally, one cannot discount the fact that we may have built ourselves - perhaps with Omegon help.

I am of the opinion that we beings are capable of assuming just about any kind of genetic formation according to new research, and that is exactly what we are seeing reflected to us today in this material form the other side of Time.

There are new studies of the surface of the Earth that demonstrate our current dating system may be in error, considering the new evidences that are flooding from fresh finds. Recent studies of the ocean depths show very ancient potential for out-of-time restructuring that would push humanity back to the four million years needed for Anjona's words. Those explorations of the deepest sectors show that many areas of the planet were above water at different times in history. Many portions of the Earth's crust now exposed, were conversely, below the oceans in the past. The Water Displacement Theory of Orion von Koch, or what some pundits call the "Waterbed Theory" of Earth Tectonics, indicates that when the poles shifted numerous times over the last millions of years, new icecaps formed over the new sites of magnetic-stabilization or the poles. These changes that now are proven facts, were once considered Ice Ages by the old scientific community. These Ice Ages never existed - only the Earth has presented that illusion to us as it sought to gain its new balance after each of these continent-busting catastrophes.

Koch's theory, though sounding flippant when referred to as the "Waterbed Theory," is entirely relevant when likened to a vast plastic or fluid substructure of lava, water and liquefying land masses, reacting to the gravity and electromagnetic forces that impact systems in chaotic flux during popular-exchange. The surface rolls under the great weight of semi-frozen water and landmass, pressing down the plasticized surfaces, via tsunamis of gunk and debris that follow the evolution of the punctuated events. I have experienced this feeling in my own waterbed, when I roll over and cause things to shift that lie elsewhere on the bed. This action exposes the new lands, once seabed, to the light of day and rearranges past continents into subsurfaces of mud or new seas, which are usually inaccessible to most technological investigation.

Bone and human artifacts have recently been found in these areas that date to extremely ancient periods for the Neandertals and even some Cro-Magnons. As recently as 1980, Neandertal bodies with fresh flesh have been found in the Gobi, but the evidence was suppressed and only mentioned in a popular archaeological publication. I know this happened for the scientists involved were friends. There are some who have even seen these Neandertals from a distance. I believe they are still with us. I feel they are the direct genetic links to the ancient Enmayi.

Though these ooparts are out of sequence, and are veritable agglomerations from some chaotic events, which we do not understand, I believe that we are in the wrong temporal frame with our timetables, and Anjona's data is increasingly correct. Though what would humanity do for four million years - camp out in the woods, or live at ease in a Garden where everything is provided day end and day out! This would have been the "valley region" Anjona refers to. It must have been a large area to contain the beginnings of history and then - "poof" out of this world.

I fear that Academia, broadcasting a politically correct message from its Ivory Towers, prefers to scoff at all new evidence out of an abject laziness, rather than work for the truth. Of course, I know that all the current knowledge involving our world scientific community is held in an equilibrium of political leveraging that is perhaps oversold and even unbreakable. The powers that seem outside of our everyday lives are always at work behind the scenes maintaining the status quo so that no surprises will dislocate their efforts at a "planned" One World City. Although, on August 9, 2001, they were somewhat unable to hide an event that truly shook humanity awake. The little conjunctional alignments of asteroids thought not to be of any significance at least showed some potential of what could have happened. I remember when this event was prophesied in T. C. Overstreet's book, Crux of Becoming, in 1999. This is when my political mind began to waver.

liebe Grüße
Sandro der III. - vom Sirius *hehe*