Earth Circle - Atlantis, das alte Ägypten, Sumer und Troja

Scientific oceanographers discover a great island submerged in the Gulf of Cadiz.

Scientific oceanographers discover a great island submerged in the Gulf of Cadiz.


The Atlantis of Plato and Science.

Scientific oceanographers discover a great island submerged in the Gulf of Cadiz.

He could be the same island-Acropolis of the Atlantis thinks Hispanic-Cuban investigator.
/ Recently a team of scientists has discovered by means of technical outposts of submarine sounding a great extended island that extends like a great right bank in the center of the Gulf of Cadiz, in front of the coasts of Cadiz and Huelva.

Hispanic-Cuban investigator Georgeos Diaz-Montexano thinks that he could be the same island-Acropolis where, according to Plato, was the real city of the kingdom or emporio of the Atlantic island-peninsula that Plato it denominates like Atlantis and Atlantida.

Serving dish affirms - through Critias- that just ahead (or of a side) of the Columns of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar) was the island or peninsula (in Greek Nêsos) of Atlantis. The concentric city surrounded by three pits or circular water channels by sea and two by earth was closely together of the coast (between 3 and 9 km) in a very flat or level plain almost at the same level of the sea.

This island with the Acropolis sank under the sea after earthquakes of great intensity followed of great tsunami or tidal wave, according to the descriptions of the famous athenian teacher of philosophy.

Many have tried to look for - without success the real city of the Atlantis by many Earth corners, with a truely scandalous lack of rigor if we consider that not even have considered the true words written in Greek and Latin texts of the Timeo and the Critias.

The descriptions of Plato do not leave place to the doubt, are than clear, precise more. The island-Acropolis where was the main or "capital" city of the Atlantic empire of the Atlantida found just in front of the Columns of Hercules, in the mouth of a gulf or called sea Atlantic and that single could to be same Gulf of Cadiz, because own the Plato indeed affirms that a region or region of Atlantis that arrived until the same Straits of Hercules it called, Gadeira or Gadira, the same Roman Gades and present Cadiz of Andalusia.

As Georgeos explains Diaz: "... in principle, any island, end or peninsula submerged in some point of the Gulf of Cadiz, from the Straits of Gibraltar to the neighborhoods of the Algarve in Portugal and that is relatively near the Iberian or Moroccan coasts could be the same island-Acropolis where was the circular concentric city of Atlantis... "

"... the truely surprising thing of this scientific discovery is that she only appears represented this great island submerged in batimétricos maps made by foreign scientists, whereas in the bathymetrics maps ( ) of the Spanish oceanographers - supposedly more recent does not exist; As if he had disappeared without leaving most mini sign... "- perplex Diaz-Montexano comments.

References to this same island in front of the not-single Straits of Gibraltar appear in texts of Plato of the Timeo and the Critias, Georgeos Diaz-Montexano have undertaken an ample search in Greek, Latin and Egyptian documents and have discovered that it is a quite recurrent subject in many sources. This island that Plato calls Atlantis or Atlantic (that are the translation of another atlante name as it affirms Plato) she appears mentioned in other previous sources like Alibê or Aliba, Tartessós, Megalos-Nêson (Great Island), Erytheia, Sarpedona, Mêlousa and Pontion, among others.

Diaz-Montexano has also found that this tradition on one or several islands (archipelago) in front of Gibraltar, in the Gulf of Cadiz, between Iberia and Morocco, extended by almost all the Average Age. In many medieval maps - from century IV to the Xii- it is possible to be appreciated to several of these islands, but mainly an island of considerable size, located almost always in a central position, means of the Gulf of Cadiz between the coasts of Iberia and Morocco, This island appears exactly in the same position where Plato locates the Island-Acropolis de Atlantis, and some times he draws upon her two pillars or columns, symbol of the Straits of Hercules and others she appears identified with Gades, in spite of being very separated of the true position of the present island of Cadiz.

Diaz-Montexano has observed in the oldest map of Iberia than a medieval copy is known - an old map of Ptolomeo ( ) that conserves in the Library of the Vatican a much more great island that Cadiz, located just in means of the gulf, almost in the same point where the scientific oceanographers have mapped by means of sounding a great submerged island, at the moment below the 20 meters of depth.

Surprising also the representation in this old map is from the Vatican of a great part of the Cabo de Trafalgar that nowadays is also submerged and where Georgeos Diaz-Montexano thinks that the Acropolis of Atlantis could be, like main hypothesis or number one.

The modern techniques of submarine cartography and bathymetry used by the oceanographers confirm the old one and releases existing tradition in the sources written, maps and charts on the existence of several islands or a right archipelago in front of the Columns of Hercules (Gibraltar) in the heat of Atlantic Gulf or of Cadiz; tradition that apparently began with old Egyptian writings and that later extended between Greek and Roman until reaching the high Average Age.

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