Earth Circle - Heiden & Hexentum, Jahreskreisfeste und Wicca

Are you a TechnoPagan?

Are you a TechnoPagan?

You are a TechnoPagan if...

... asking what tradition someone comes from is just as important as what operating system they run

... the address of your covenstead begins with http://

... when your quarter candles burn out, a backup system kicks in

... you play pre-recorded drumming music during Circle

... you do cord magic with computer cables

... you do most of your correspondence by email and sign off with Blessed Be

... you draw down the moon using a light-pen

... you calculate the phases of the moon with software

... you end a circle with Ctl-Alt-Del

... you keep a Disk of Shadows (with encrypted backups)

... you participate in online rituals ... you've tried to use your mouse as a pendulum
... you've ever invited the God and Goddess to come online ... you've ever attached ribbons to a May Pole using a staple gun
... you refer to solitary practice as a stand alone ... you refer to deities using 3-letter acronyms (ODN, LKI, THR)
... you ritually down your server for Samhain ... you tap into the collective unconscious using newsgroups...
... your altar cloth is a mouse pad ... your altar has a keyboard
... your athame has a SCSI interface ... your Book of Shadows is online and has a 6-digit version number
... your candles have batteries ... your cauldron is a crock-pot
... your chimes are electronic ... your circle is a token ring
... your cone of power has a surge suppressor ... your coven is spread over a 12,000 sq. mi. area
... your crystal ball has a horizontal-hold control ... your daemons collect news for you
... your deities include Murphy and Gates ... your familiar is a computer mouse
... your incense is by Glade ... your magic wand is a light pen
... your magical name, email address, and online name are all the same ... your magical writing is done in html or C++
... your meditation retreat locations have electricity, phone jacks and a CompUSA nearby ... your patron deity has a homepage
... your pentacle is made of computer chips ... your ritual robes conceal an electronic organizer or PDA
... your screen-saver signals when your meditation period is over ... your search for truth involves Yahoo and Google
... your tarot cards multi-task ... your technician complains about the wax and incense ash on your motherboard
... your Yule ritual involves defragmentation ... you've been caught using a laser pen to open the circle gate

How many TechnoPagans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
If the computer is still working, who cares about the light bulb.

How many TechnoPagans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
TechnoPagans don't screw in lightbulbs, they screw in IRC chat channels.

How many TechnoPagans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Nobody knows, we couldn't get them to leave the keyboard.

TechnoPagans are often found discussing the best method of removing hot wax from keyboards. Seems unaccustomed to sunlight. Have had coven-mates for years whom they have never seen face to face, much less know which continent they live on.

Distinguishing Signs: Casts circle with #5 torx driver. Chalice contains Jolt. BoS is writtin in Perl. Refers to eclectic ritual as "cross-platforming." Thinks "naked in your rites" means a non-GUI environment.

Are you smiling right now?
Well then, you just might be a TechnoPagan!

liebe Grüße