Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Asyl- und Einwanderungspolitik - rechte Gewalt, Rassismus und Homophobie

Das Elend der Flüchtlinge auf dem Balkan

Greece sends warship to house refugees amid big freeze

The Greek navy is sending a warship to house stranded asylum seekers, as freezing temperatures on its islands leave families living in snow-covered tents.

The Jason Class landing ship, which is usually equipped with cannons and used to transport army tanks, will arrive at the Greek island of Lesvos on Wednesday afternoon.

The ship is carrying enough equipment for 500 people, including mattresses, beds and stoves.

Around 1,000 asylum seekers are currently thought to be living in tents at Moria camp on the island of Lesvos, as night-time temperatures in some parts of Greece drop as low as -5C.

Eisige Zeiten für Flüchtlinge und Griechen

Aus dem Flüchtlingscamp Moria auf Lesbos kommen erschreckende Bilder. Griechenland befindet sich unter dem Einfluss einer für das Land äußerst seltenen Kältewelle, selbst Strände im Süden sind eingeschneit.

Unter diesen Wetterbedingungen müssen die Flüchtlinge in den Hotspots auf den griechischen Inseln in Zelten in dichtem Schnee überleben. Ein eindrucksvolles Video eines Insassen zeigt, wie schwierig das ist. Die EU-Kommission wäscht derweil ihre Hände in Unschuld. Für sie ist allein Griechenland für die Versorgung der aufgrund des EU-Deals mit der Türkei auf Inseln festsitzenden Flüchtlinge verantwortlich.

Bevor der Trump , war Obama.....

Chaos um US-Einreiseverbote

Not everyone loses from Trump's Muslim ban

As the United States rolls out President Donald Trump’s new curbs on travellers from seven mostly-Muslim countries, would-be migrants, protesters and human rights activists have decried the visa rule changes as a form of collective punishment.

But, as with any policy, there are winners as well as losers. As the dust settles, members of persecuted religious minorities in the Middle East – such as Chaldeans, Yazidis and Baha’is – see Trump’s executive order as a way of getting coveted spots at the front of the refugee line.

“The Trump administration seems like a good team to work with,” Bishop Sarhad Jammo, a Chaldean Catholic leader originally from Baghdad, Iraq, who now lives in San Diego, California, told Middle East Eye.

“I’m concerned about the fate of some 100,000 Christians who are looking for resettlement. They are now in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. They have given up looking for solutions inside Iraq.”

Trump no savior for Iraq's Christian minority

On the slopes of a low mountain, a chilly breeze blows up from the Nineveh plain and through the spires of the Assyrian, Chaldean and Syriac churches in the village of al-Qosh. The peace amid the stone and concrete homes of al-Qosh contrasts starkly with the checkpoint just outside the town, manned by gruff peshmerga soldiers of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). It belies the war only 25 miles south, where Iraqi security forces and militias are fighting the Islamic State (IS) to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city.

Dutch companies combine to fight far-right 'populism' before election

Major Dutch corporations including Shell, Unilever, Philips and dairy produce giant FrieslandCampina have joined forces in a PR campaign to showcase national talents in a bid to roll back gloom and populism, Dutch media reported on Saturday.

The initiative coincides with the runup to general elections that are seen as a bellwether for nationalism in Europe in a critical year following last year's Brexit vote and the election victory of Donald Trump.

Fake news: 'Mass sexual assault' by refugees at New Year in Germany

Reports of a mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt on New Years Eve were fabricated according to German police.

The right-wing newspaper Bild reported last week that 900 drunk refugees had been involved in the mass sex attack and quoted a number of witnesses and victims' testimony.

“I can be happy that I wore sheer tights. They [the migrants] grabbed me under the skirt, between my legs, my breasts, everywhere," one alleged victim, Irina, was quoted as saying.
READ: Baked swans, drowning refugees and other media myths

Another witness, a local pub owner, said that his pub had been "full with a group of around 50 Arabs."

"They did not speak German, drank our guests’ drink and danced towards them. The women asked me for help because they were being attacked. The mood changed completely.”

The quotes were also used in the right-wing British tabloid Daily Express.
Police dismiss story

Marokko "Straffe" EU wegen Urteil des Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union

Der Gerichtshof der europäischen Union erklärte am Mittwoch, den 21. Dezember 2016, den Beschluss seines Gerichts vom 10. Dezember 2015 als null und nichtig, der die teilweise Nichtigerklärung des Agrarabkommens zwischen Marokko und der europäischen Union schlussfolgerte.
Der Gerichtshof qualifizierte als unzulässig das Rechtsmittel der Polisario.
schon nach dieser Urteil Marroko hat Bedrohung mit "konsequenzen" und nach Bedrohung die fakten....

Es ist nicht das Erste mal die Marokko tun etwas gegen anderen europaische Land weil sie gegen Besetzung des Westsahara gesagt hat .....

Diesen Beispielen musse uns Linke zeigen dass die Welt es nicht NUR geteill zwischen "Bösse" Westliche Länder und "Gute" "Unterdrücken" Länder.... die Welt hat mehrere Farben als nur Schwarze und Weiße ...

Die Besetzung der Westsahara
Der größte Teil der Westsahara ist seit 1975 von Marokko besetzt.

Refugee child abuse rampant in Libya, UNICEF report warns

Refugee children and women making the dangerous journey to Europe to flee poverty and conflicts in Africa are being beaten, raped and starved in “living hellholes” in Libya, the United Nations children’s agency, UNICEF, has said.

Children are being sexually abused, coerced into prostitution and work, and held to ransom for months in squalid, overcrowded detention centres, as they make their way along the Central Mediterranean migration route, the agency warned in a new report.

TWENTY MILLION African migrants heading for Europe: European parliament president warns that a huge number will arrive in the 'next few years' unless action is taken

As many as twenty million African migrants could come to Europe in the near future, according to the new president of the European parliament.

Antonio Tajani said Europe needs to do more to help asylum seekers in order to quell migration.

He proposed the EU should open asylum centres in Libya in a bid to protect vulnerable refugees.

Turkey's own refugees: Now Kurds turn to Europe for help

While European leaders woo and praise Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for generously hosting hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, none of them mentions a discordant fact: more than 400,000 of his Kurdish fellow-citizens, who were displaced by the war in south-east Turkey last year, have received no government aid and still cannot return home, according to aid groups.