Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Letzte Westliche Angreife , Mali

Is Qatar fuelling the crisis in north Mali?

Oil-rich gulf state Qatar has a vested interest in the outcome of the north Mali crisis, according to various reports that have been picked up by French MPs, amid suspicion that Doha may be siding with the rebels to extend its regional influence.

The Tragedy-Cum-Farce in Algeria

The end of the Gaddafi regime in Libya was celebrated with breath-taking idiocy by European leaders and a genuflecting corporate media. Fifteen months later, the media is reporting on neighbouring Algeria, the largest country in Africa – and one where a hostage-rescue mission has ended in carnage.

Mali conflict: Troops accused of 'summary executions'

Mali's army has carried out a "series of summary executions" as it fights to recapture the Islamist-controlled north, a rights group has said.

The government of Mali does not intend to leave religious affairs solely to Islamist militant groups; the Islamic Supreme Council publicly gave their blessing and support to France’s military activities in the country.

War on terror forever

"Algerian public opinion is immensely suspicious, to say the least, of all the players' motives, including the Algerian government and especially France. Here is a fascinating sample. This perspective, by a political science professor, is worth quoting at length, as it neatly summarizes the French "lead" in the new GWOT chapter.

In an interview with the French-language daily Le Soir d'Algerie, political science professor Ahmed Adimi described the intervention as an attempt to "undermine Algeria" and a "step in a plan for the installation of foreign forces in the Sahel region". Adimi's thesis is that France has worked for years to destabilize the Sahel as a means of strengthening its geopolitical stance.

Asked whether the French operation in Mali was consistent with United Nations security council resolution 2085, Adimi states that the resolution "does not pose much of a problem in itself. Western powers have used it to intervene and adopt resolutions to justify their military operations. This has already happened in Iraq. In fact, the French operation may seem legal since it comes at the request of the Acting Present of Mali. However, it is important to remember that the current government came to power in a coup. Regarding the intervention, it was certainly predictable but the French have precipitated matters. [...] These terrorist groups are being manipulated by foreign powers," continuing to argue that these groups were "allowed" to move south to Konna as means of justifying the French intervention.

Adimi argues that Algerians have "been sounding the alarm about the situation in the Sahel in general. Ahmed Barkouk and myself have organized several seminars on this topic. We discussed the role of France and its commitment to the region. It was France that was behind the creation of the movement for the Azawad, and I speak of course of the political organization and not of the people of Azawad, who have rights as a community. The French knew that their intervention in Libya would lead to a return of the pro-Qaddafi military Tuareg to Mali. They also planned the release of Libyan arms stockpiles across the Sahel band. The project is to transform the region into a new Afghanistan, the result of long-term planning."

Tariq Ramadan, in a devastating piece, [7] also unmasks Paris, drawing the connection between the dodgy Sarkozy "humanitarian" intervention in Libya and the current Hollande drive to protect a "friendly" country - all coupled with the hypocrisy of France for decades not giving a damn about "the people" suffering under assorted African dictatorships.

But the Oscar for Best Hypocritical Scenario certainly goes to the current French-Anglo-American concern about Mali being the new al-Qaeda playground, when the major playgrounds are actually NATO-supported northern Syria (as far as the Turkish border), north Lebanon and most parts of Libya.

Follow the gold, and follow the uranium
Even before it's possible to fully analyze the myriad ramifications - many of them unforeseen - of the expanded GWOT, there are two fronts to be carefully observed in the near future. So let's follow the gold, and let's follow the uranium.

Follow the gold. A host of nations have gold bullion deposited at the New York Federal Reserve. They include, crucially, Germany. Recently, Berlin started asking to get back its physical gold back - 374 ton from the Bank of France and 300 tons out of 1,500 tons from the New York Federal Reserve.

So guess what the French and the Americans essentially said: We ain't got no gold! Well, at least right now. It will take five years for the German gold in France to be returned, and no less than seven years for the stash at the New York Federal Reserve. Bottom line: both Paris and Washington/New York have to come up with real physical gold any way they can.

That's where Mali fits in - beautifully. Mali - along with Ghana - accounts for up to 8% of global gold production. So if you're desperate for the genuine article - physical gold - you've got to control Mali. Imagine all that gold falling into the hands of... China. "

US official: Mali intervention ‘could take years’

The French-led military intervention in Mali could take years, a U.S. official warned on Monday.

"The Malian army abuses marred the reconquest of the north"

Secular Malian Tuareg MNLA rebels said on Monday they were now in control of the northern town of Kidal after Islamist militant fighters abandoned it.

Timbuktu mayor: Mali rebels torched library of historic manuscripts

Fleeing Islamist insurgents burnt two buildings containing priceless books as French-led troops approached, says mayor

Mali Militants Shift Up Tactics As France’s War Coalition Grows

Mali’s rebels are adapting to attacks from above as the 15-day-old air war over West Africa gets a lot more intense. After Paris’ air force last week blasted the militants’ exposed vehicles and headquarters buildings (depicted in the targeting system video above), the survivors of the initial bombing runs learned to camouflage themselves.

Der deutsche Beitrag zum Krie

Berlin sagt neue Millionensummen für den Krieg in Mali zu. Wie das Auswärtige Amt bestätigt, wird die Bundesregierung rund 20 Millionen US-Dollar für die malischen Streitkräfte und für eine afrikanische Interventionstruppe bereitstellen. Es kommen weitere Unterstützungsleistungen in Form von Transportflügen hinzu. Gleichzeitig suche man "mit Nachdruck" politisch Einfluss zu nehmen, kündigt Außenminister Guido Westerwelle an. Wie aus Berichten hervorgeht, haben westliche Staaten sowie enge Kooperationspartner Berlins spürbaren Anteil daran, dass islamistische Kräfte den Norden Malis unter ihre Kontrolle bringen konnten. So liefen vom US-Militär zu Zwecken des "Anti-Terror-Krieges" trainierte malische Spezialeinheiten unmittelbar zu Beginn des Tuareg-Konflikts Anfang 2012 zu den Aufständischen über und stärkten sie entscheidend. Islamistische Milizen wurden von Qatar und Saudi-Arabien unterstützt, die beide eng mit der Bundesrepublik kooperieren. Sie betrieben im Norden Malis schon in den vergangenen Jahren den Aufbau islamistischer Strukturen, die nun teilweise die islamistischen Milizen stärkten. Beide kooperieren nicht nur ökonomisch, sondern etwa auch im Syrien-Krieg mit Deutschland und dem Westen.

Eine lange Phase der Instabilität

Die Bundeswehr weitet ihre Beteiligung am Krieg in Mali aus und richtet einen festen Lufttransportstützpunkt im senegalesischen Dakar ein. Transall-Flieger der deutschen Luftwaffe werden über ihn die Truppen- und Materialtransporte für künftige Kämpfe im Norden Malis abwickeln. Berliner Regierungsberater sagen dem Land "eine lange Phase der Instabilität" voraus. Die islamistischen Milizen, die sich in den vergangenen Tagen aus Timbuktu, Gao und Kidal zurückgezogen hätten, würden vermutlich zu einer Art "Guerilla-Taktik" übergehen und den Krieg fortführen, heißt es in einer aktuellen Analyse der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Um die Spielräume der islamistischen Milizen in der Sahara zu beschränken, die nach dem Sturz des Gaddafi-Regimes und dem Zusammenbruch staatlicher Strukturen in Süd-Libyen gewachsen sind, will die EU die Grenzabschottung in den Wüstenregionen Nordafrikas verstärken. Dafür sind EU-"Missionen" in Libyen und Niger geplant. In Berlin wird eine deutsche Beteiligung erwogen. Deutsche Unternehmen haben Interesse an der lukrativen Hochrüstung der Grenzanlagen.

No Security Firms for African Refugees: Opportunities and War in Mali

The British security firm G4S is set to rake in massive profits thanks to crises in Mali, Libya and Algeria. Recognized as the world’s biggest security firm, the group’s brand plummeted during the London Olympics last year due to its failure to satisfy conditions of a government contract. But with growing unrest in North and West Africa, G4S is expected to make a speedy recovery.

Zero Dark Mali

Goooooooood Morning, Vietnam! Nein, sorry, das war ein anderer Sumpf.

Der Soundtrack war damals Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Motown und Stax. Jetzt ist es Goooooooooood Morning, Mali! Doch der Soundtrack kann nichts Transzendentales wie Rokia Traores Dounia oder etwas herrlich Psychedelisches wie Dimanche a Bamako von Amadou und Miriam sein. Er ist viel bedrohlicher. So etwas wie – er ist unausweichlich – Hendrix in Machine Gun.

Destroying a Nation State: US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan

Ich möchte sagen über dieser artikel das sind sagen die ich nich gemäß mit alles was geschrieben hat aber es geben einiger Informationen die Interessanten sind . Ich denke das Baluchistan Recht hat unabhänging vo Pakistan sei , weil sie ihrer Kultur hat . Das problem ist wie Imperialisten Länder benutz diesen Recht für seiner Interessen .

Old Wine in New Bottles? Justifying France's Military Intervention in Mali

The discourse surrounding France's interventions in Africa has changed, but have the underlying motivations?