Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Nahost: Scheinverhandlungen in Washington

Palestinians call for boycott of Hyundai

Palestinians are calling for a boycott of Hyundai over the company’s failure to stop its construction equipment being used by Israel to destroy their homes and communities.

“The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Committee of Palestinian Citizens of Israel (BDS48) calls upon our Palestinian people in the homeland and the Diaspora, the peoples of the Arab world, and people of conscience worldwide to boycott and divest from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), until it ends its involvement in Israel’s violations of our human rights, particularly in Jerusalem and the Naqab (Negev),” says an action alert released on Tuesday.

Meet the U.S. Nonprofit That Funds the Israeli Guards Who Terrorize Palestinians

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal—but donations to the U.S. nonprofits that support them are tax-deductible. Our investigation found that one such nonprofit, the One Israel Fund, subsidizes guards who constrict the movement of Palestinians and harm their economic livelihood.

Activists fight new anti-BDS legislation across US

Activists and lawyers in the state of Washington are challenging several bills which attack free speech rights and smear Palestine solidarity activists.

Meanwhile, a Virginia lawmaker attempted to classify Palestine advocacy as discrimination.

The barrage of legislation is part of a growing wave of laws aimed at punishing and silencing activists across the US involved with the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign to pressure Israel to respect Palestinian rights.

Why won’t Democrats call out Friedman’s crimes?

David Friedman faced a few sharp questions Thursday as a US Senate committee considered his nomination for the post of ambassador to Israel.

This was to be expected: Friedman had previously described supporters of the liberal Zionist group J Street as “far worse than kapos – Jews who turned in their fellow Jews in the Nazi death camps.”

Some senators were bound to ask him about such intemperate comments and it was not surprising that Friedman repeatedly expressed “regret” for his undiplomatic language. But it was equally predictable that senators would avoid pressing Friedman on aspects of his background curtailing Palestinian rights.

Friedman has a home in Talbiyeh, a West Jerusalem neighborhood that was ethnically cleansed by Zionist forces in 1948.

Congresswoman tells Netanyahu to end abuse of Palestinian children

A member of Congress said she had “a clear message” for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in Washington on Wednesday: he must respect the rights of Palestinian children.

As US President Donald Trump and the Israeli leader held a joint press conference at the White House, Representative Betty McCollum of Minnesota challenged Israel’s systematic abuses of Palestinian children in a post on Facebook.

“Israel’s military detention system arrests, interrogates and prosecutes as many as 700 Palestinian children – as young as 11 years old – every year,” McCollum says. “Abuse is rampant and children often have no lawyer or parent present during detention and interrogation.”

Jewish Labour Movement director investigated for violent threat

Labour has investigated the director of one of its affiliated pro-Israel organizations for “threatening to attack” another member of the UK’s main opposition party.

Director of the Jewish Labour Movement Ella Rose had been caught on camera saying her critics should “die in a hole.”

But the investigation was closed after just nine days when General Secretary Iain McNicol claimed on Tuesday that Rose’s comments did not constitute a threat.

One of the individuals who lodged the complaint accused McNicol of a “whitewash.”

How the Israel lobby is using Owen Jones

Last week the Jewish Labour Movement announced that Guardian columnist Owen Jones will be the big name speaker at an event the group is holding on 2 April.

Jones will lecture on “left anti-Semitism, the Middle East and the Labour Party.”

The Jewish Labour Movement scoring Jones appears to be a high-profile instance of a new push endorsed by Israel’s government to ensure that Palestine solidarity “instigators” are “singled out” from so-called “soft critics” of Israel.

Israel map raises questions about BBC impartiality

The BBC has admitted to producing a misleading map of Israel in which Jerusalem is included, the occupied West Bank is annexed to Jordan and Gaza no longer exists.

The map was produced as a graphic for an episode of BBC Two’s Hairy Bikers cookery series entitled “Chicken and Egg,” broadcast at the end of last year.

In the episode, the motorcycling cooks visit Israel and Jerusalem – though the status of the eastern part of the city as occupied territory is not acknowledged – to learn about local chicken and egg dishes. These are all referred to as “Israeli,” even though they include platters which are clearly Arab and North African in origin, including shawarma, shakshuka and couscous.

VIDEO: Dutch MP refuses to shake hands with Netanyahu

Video: Protests disrupt Vienna talk by Israeli genocide advocate Ayelet Shaked

Canada’s politicians drastically out of touch with public on Israel

A new Ekos poll released this morning found that 46 per cent of Canadians, including a majority of those who support every party but the Conservatives, hold a negative view of Israel. The Canadian government is seen to have a pro-Israel bias by 61 per cent of respondents, while 91 per cent do not think criticism of Israeli government policy is necessarily anti-semitic. These results suggest that Canada’s big political parties are out of step with Canadians on these issues.

Russia’s strategic vision for Israel

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, stated that Iran is considering providing its air space to Russian military jets in order to support Syrian government ground operations.

The news bothered Israel, which a few days before the announcement had signaled its concern about ties between Moscow and Tehran. In an effort to calm the mood, Russian Ambassador to Israel Alexander Shein noted, “On the whole, the role of Russia in Syria is accepted by our Israeli colleagues with understanding. The only reservation they have is for them it would be best if there were US-Russian rather than Iranian-Russian cooperation in surmounting the Syrian crisis and fighting terrorism in the Middle East.” He said that Israel drew its own red lines, which is the transfer of modern weapons to Hezbollah and the “creation of an anti-Israel platform in the Golan Heights that would involve both the group and Iran.”

How the Jewish National Fund lobbies for war

What do you call an organization that teaches children an exclusive religious or ethnic nationalism and promotes war and other forms of violence to get its way?

Many people would say an extremist group or a right-wing cult. Many people would think we were talking about something like the Ku Klux Klan.

But while the KKK did have a youth corps where children were taught “patriotism” and “Christian values,” but weren’t “brainwashed” – in the words of one “imperial wizard” – we are talking about a group the Canada Revenue Agency finds worthy of awarding tax-deductible status for “charitable” donations.

The Jewish National Fund would also deny “brainwashing” children, but there is no doubt it tries to convince young minds of its exclusivist worldview.

JNF Montreal recently organized a “tree-a-thon” with the stated aim of restoring lands damaged by last year’s forest fires in Israel. Participants were promised “great prizes, great food, great fun,” and students were told they could “earn community service hours.”

The registered “charity” offers various youth education initiatives promoting Zionism, Israel’s state ideology. JNF Canada’s website boasts of how it helps young people “forge an everlasting bond with the land of Israel.”

Senate committee approves settlement funder as US envoy to Israel

Nine of the 10 Democrats on the Senate foreign relations committee voted Thursday morning against David Friedman’s nomination as the next US ambassador to Israel.

They came up short.

Friedman’s nomination now advances to a full vote in the Republican-controlled Senate, which may split largely along party lines. Barring any major upsets, Friedman is likely to be confirmed.

Are British universities silencing critics of Israel?

Pro-Palestinian activists have had events cancelled and faced other restrictions during Israeli Apartheid Week.

Israeli Apartheid Week held at 30 UK universities, despite repression

Israeli Apartheid Week took place on more than 30 university campuses across the UK last week despite a massive government backed campaign of repression.

The week saw some events cancelled, with unprecedented and bizarre restrictions imposed on organizers.

What will Israeli Apartheid Week look like in 2027?

On a British university campus, 10 years from now . . .

Palestine activists press UK to apologise for Balfour declaration

Pro-Palestinian activists on Saturday called on the British government to apologise for the "disastrous" role of the Balfour declaration in the "biggest social injustice of our time" - decades of Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Speakers at the Palestine conference at University College London said the centenary of the 1917 declaration was the right time to make amends.

Theresa May wants British people to feel 'pride' in the Balfour Declaration. What exactly is there to be proud of?

Balfour initiated a policy of British support for Israel which continues to this very day, to the detriment of the occupied Palestinians of the West Bank and the five million Palestinian refugees living largely in warrens of poverty around the Middle East, including Israeli-besieged Gaza. Surely we should apologise

FIFA slammed for failing to tackle Israeli settler clubs

Palestinian and international organizations have denounced FIFA president Gianni Infantino for failing to require the Israel Football Association to exclude teams based in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The world football governing body is also being urged to disband the so-called FIFA Monitoring Committee Israel-Palestine amid signs it yielded to Israeli government pressure.

Palestinians urge Radiohead not to entertain Israeli apartheid

Fans, artists and activists around the world are urging Radiohead to cancel an upcoming performance in Tel Aviv.

The iconic UK band has so far ignored all appeals.