Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Türkische Expansionskonzepte und Westliche Interessen schuldig der Kobane angriff

On 100-year anniversary of Sykes-Picot, Kurds remain divided

On the centennial of the Sykes-Picot agreement - the deal between the French and British that divided the Kurds across four countries - the Kurds in both Iraq and Syria now run their own administrations in the region. The Kurds, however, are upholding these borders today by closing the only border crossing between the two Kurdistans.

Kurds in Europe last week protested against the agreement in Germany that divided the Kurds and called for Kurdish independence, amid plans to hold a referendum before October spearheaded by Iraqi Kurdish President Massoud Barzani to create a sovereign state for the Kurds in Iraq.

FSA group claims assassination of two Kurdish officials northern Syria

The Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) group of Jaish al-Shamal claimed responsibility for the killing of alleged Kurdish officials Shirin and her assistant Ziyad Jafar on Monday, which caused a wave of outrage among Syrian Kurds. The two were allegedly part of the negotiations concerning the handing over of 66 rebels that were killed in a failed attack on the Kurdish-held Ayn Daqnaq, in the countryside of Aleppo.

Moreover, Syrian opposition rebels injured 9 Kurdish civilians in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood in Aleppo, and also hit the city of Afrin with Grad rockets.

Have Turkey-PKK clashes crossed fatal threshold?

In an Aug. 13 article on the spiraling violence in Turkey, I argued that the shooting down of a Turkish warplane or helicopter by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) with a portable, shoulder-held, surface-to-air missile (MANPADS) would be a critical threshold for escalation. In a Dec. 14 article, I noted that the MANPADS threat had increased and that the PKK could use these systems against aerial targets inside Turkey.

New “urgent expropriation” decree for Amed and Şırnak

In a new chapter of AKP’s occupation practices, new “urgent expropriation” decree has passed for Bağlar, Sur, Cizre and Beytüşşebap districts.

The new districts, namely Amed’s Bağlar and Şırnak’s Beytüşşebap, are added to the “urgent expropriation” decree that already included Amed’s Sur and Şırnak’s Cizre and Silopi districts.

A total area of 4,270 square meters are to be occupied in parcels 131 and 22 in Bağlar’s Kaynartepe neighborhood in this framework. An area of 380 square meters in parcels 84, 85, 98, 99 and 127 in Sur’s İskenderpaşa neighborhood will also be expropriated.

Êzidî Coordination: If a force needs to leave Shengal, it is the KDP

Issuing a statement regarding the pressure KDP is putting on the Êzidîs and the killing of a young Êzidî in Shengal’s Xanesor district, the Êzidî coordination condemned KDP’s actions against the Êzidîs and said, “KDP should drop these policies immediately.”

The Êzidî Coordination said KDP had been trying to get the people of Rojava and Shengal in line by starving them, and the latest actions were concrete proof of this, but nobody can make a folk thirsty for freedom surrender with these policies.

Kurds in Europe say “Hands off our will”

Kurds holding demonstrations in Berlin, Brussels, Den Haag and Helsinki protested AKP’s attacks on HDP with the slogan, “Hands off our will”.

US commandos ordered to remove 'inappropriate' YPG patches

US special operations forces photographed in Syria wearing the insignia of Kurdish troops considered terrorists by Turkey have been ordered to remove the patches, a military spokesman said on Friday.

The US has more than 200 special operations troops in northern Syria, where they are said to be advising the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces, the bulk of which is made of Kurdish People's Protection Units' (YPG) fighters.

SDF haben mit US-Unterstützung die Offensive auf Raqqa begonnen

Raqqa ist in Syrien das Hauptquartier des Islamischen Staates und selbsternannte Hauptstadt der Terrorgruppe. Am Dienstag um 14 Uhr Ortszeit starteten die SDF der demokratischen Föderation Rojavas die Operation "Initiative zur Befreiung von Nord-Raqqa". Das Kommando hat u.a. YPJ-Kommandeurin Rojda Felat. Da es sich vor allem um arabische Gebiete handelt, bilden die arabischen Brigaden Ehrar Raqqa und Liwa Tahrir, die aus dem Gebiet um Nord-Raqqa stammen, die Angriffsspitze.

US, Kurds to clear path toward Raqqa, with or without Turkey

More fronts are opening up against the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. In Iraq, government forces conducting probes against Mosul, which has been under IS control for two years, are also working to liberate Fallujah, while in Syria a major operation is underway against the IS stronghold of Raqqa.

Rojava droht eine Hungersnot – Hacker eilen zur Hilfe

Die demokratische Föderation Rojava-Nordsyrien ist von allen Seiten mit einem Embargo belegt. Von der Türkei aus sind die Grenzen zu Rojava dicht und mittlerweile auch von der kurdischen Autonomieregion im Irak. Über Land können aus Syrien keine Güter in den Norden gelangen, weil da der IS und andere islamistische Milizen präsent sind. Und auch die syrische Regierung hätte, selbst wenn sie könnte, kein Interesse daran, an Rojavas Aufbau mitzuwirken.

Back home after clashes, Kurds in Turkey's Sur find only debris

Some tall buildings in Diyarbakir’s ancient district of Sur serve as observation towers these days. After months of being refugees in their own city, local residents are finally allowed to return to some neighborhoods where fierce clashes between Kurdish militants and the security forces raged earlier this year, leaving the area in unrecognizable shape. Climbing on top of multistory buildings that survived the clashes, Kurdish civilians are now anxiously surveying the damage, while many are desperate to spot their homes — or what remains of them — in areas that remain sealed off, months after the security crackdown ended in March.

Berichte von Massenhinrichtung des türkischen Militärs in Nusaybin

Nusaybin (kurd.: Nisebin) ist eine mehrheitlich von Kurden bewohnte Stadt direkt an der syrischen Grenze. In Rojava/Nordsyrien liegt direkt hinter der Grenze die Stadt Qamishlo. Zwischen Nusaybin und Qamishlo verläuft die Bagdadbahn. Mit der willkürlichen Grenzziehung durch das Ankara-Abkommen 1921 zwischen Frankreich und Türkei wurde die Stadt geteilt.

Nun ereigneten sich Nusaybin ähnliche Menschenrechtsverletzungen wie in Cizre, wo in Kellern, die von türkischen Militärs beschossen und in Brand gesetzt wurden, nahezu 100 Menschen bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannten. Dem kurdischen Zentrum für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Civaka Azad, zufolge berichteten Augenzeugen den kurdischen Nachrichtenagenturen Dicle (DIHA) und JINHA, dass am 31. Mai mehr als 20 Menschen in der Nähe zur Grenze von Qamishlo hingerichtet und ihre Leichname anschließend verbrannt worden sein sollen. Eine Karte zeigt die letzten Ereignisse in Nusaybin.

Regierung enteignet Tausende von Häusern in Cizr

Die mehrheitlich von Kurden bewohnte Stadt Cizre war bis vor ein paar Monaten in Deutschland kein Begriff. Nun gerät sie immer wieder in die Schlagzeilen. Anfang dieses Jahres wurden mehr als hundert Menschen in den Kellern von Cizre im Stadtteil Nur von der türkischen Armee bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannt. Die Vereinten Nationen und Menschenrechtsorganisation erhoben schwere Vorwürfe gegen die türkische Regierung, die aber Menschenrechtsverletzungen stets dementierte. Nun hat sie einer Untersuchung durch eine UN-Kommission zugestimmt. Aber vorher kommen die Abrissbagger.

Missile attack from Turkish land targets Kobanê

YPG reports ongoing attacks by Turkish army and ISIS gangs

Why Syria's Kurds are cooperating with Russia

Since the Syrian revolution began in 2011, the Kurds have not engaged in direct military confrontations with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which has not shelled their areas as it has other Syrian cities, even though the Kurds have always opposed successive Syrian regimes.

From master to observer - how Turkey became irrelevant in Manbij

The Islamic State (IS) group is well known for its harsh crackdown on local populations and opponents, but the northern Syrian town of Manbij has been particularly hard hit.

Since IS stormed the strategically key town near the Turkish border in December 2014, there have been almost daily executions. The town’s Kurdish minority has born the brunt of the repression, but IS has also been brutal with the town’s Sunni Arab residents whom it suspects of supporting the Free Syrian Army.

ISIS captures 900 Kurdish civilians in northern Syria in 3 weeks

How this Yazidi man is saving IS captives

It had been the hundredth time he heard the ringtone that day. The middle-aged man, who wears rectangular glasses and a black mustache, immediately answered his phone. A rescue operation is in the making.
“Even the Islamic State [IS] knows my phone number now,” Hassan said as he hung up his mobile. “They don’t like me very much,” he added. And with good reason: His job is to free Yazidis kidnapped by IS.

Singapore bans display of photos of Kurdish rebels

Singaporean authorities have banned a display of photos of Kurdish rebels, saying they threaten public order and national security.

Southern Kurdistan’s oil to flow to Iran instead of Turkey

Southern Kurdistan Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Taha Zengene announced that they have reached a new oil agreement with Iran.

Zengene spoke on a television network and said the 50 year oil agreement with Turkey was not beneficial for the Kurds and that the agreement with Iran would be signed in the first week of July.

ISIS hospital captured: Supplies are Turkey patented

A hospital and the house of an ISIS emir were captured in the western front of Manbij. The supplies in the hospital show the aid from the Turkish state once more. Most of the supplies are Turkey patented.

Turkish group within ISIS cornered in Manbij

A Turkish group in ISIS from Antep-Adıyaman-Konya has also been cornered as all of Manbij is surrounded by Manbij Military Council and SDF fighters. The group is looking to carry out car bomb attacks.

Turkey protected ISIS and blamed PYD in the UN

Speaking in the United Nations Human Rights session with the Êzîdî genocide in the agenda, UN Turkey representative Mehmet Ferden Çarıkçı stood silent on the atrocities of ISIS and blamed YPG and PYD.

How Islamic State is trying to lure Kurds to its ranks

In a sleek propaganda video complete with special effects, the Islamic State’s (IS) Raqqa authority targets Kurdish audiences. Four bearded IS militants seated in a serene setting rail at the Kurdish political leaders and groups in Iraq, Turkey and Syria, promoting the cause of jihad against IS' long list of enemies in the region and beyond.

The regulatory committee of the Rojava-Northern Syria Democratic Federal System Constituent Assembly has approved the final draft of an 85-article "social contract" that would serve as a constitution for Syria's Kurdish regions.

Why Iranian Kurdish party is stepping up fight against Tehran

The leader of a major Iranian Kurdish party has vowed to gradually step up his group's fight against Iranian security forces, as the group ends almost two decades of a unilateral cease-fire with Iran after a series of recent clashes between the two sides.

Teheran-Ankara-Damaskus: Unheilige Allianz

Vor wenigen Tagen wurde der komplexe syrische Mehrfrontenbürgerkrieg um einen weiteren Frontabschnitt erweitert. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des syrischen Bürgerkrieges bombardierten am 18. August Kampfflugzeuge des Assad-Regimes Stellungen der syrischen Kurden im Norden des in Auflösung befindlichen Landes, in der zwischen Regime und kurdischer Selbstverwaltung geteilten Stadt Hasaka. Zuvor sind heftige Gefechte zwischen kurdischen Polizeikräften und Regimemilizen aus der Stadt gemeldet worden.

Turkey vows active role in Syria, better regional ties

Turkish prime minister said Ankara will play a more active role in Syria and repair its ties with regional powers.

....And in an apparent concession to Ankara, a Syrian military statement and Hassakeh's governor began referring to Kurdish security forces for the first time as the PKK, which has taken up arms against the Turkish government seeking an independent state for Kurds.

Erdogans Krieg

Die sich seit Tagen ankündigende Intervention der Türkei in Nordsyrien hat begonnen. Wie türkische Medien berichten sind am Morgen des 24. August die ersten türkischen Panzer auf syrisches Gebiet vorgedrungen.

Ich denke dass der Telepolis Author sich selbst lügt weil er nicht sehen möchtet das was IS ist , ist danke an der USA weil sie haben die Monter große werden , auch wenn ich denke das IS wird für allen benutz.....

US backs Turkey as forces seize IS-held town in Syria

US shows support to Ankara for cross-border offensive in Jarabulus, while telling Kurdish allies they must advance no further in north Syria

ISIS hands Jarablus over to the AKP

The Turkish state had developed a new maneuver in Jarablus to stop Rojava cantons from joining and to hinder Kurds’ status in Syria. In this context, in the early hours of this morning some gang groups trained by Turkey started moving towards Jarablus. In line with the agreement previously made between Turkey and ISIS, the city was handed over to Sultan Murat and Nureddin Zengi groups.

Moving out of 15 villages and residential areas, ISIS gangs turned them over to groups allied to Turkey. There are reports on some ISIS gangs going into disguise and remaining in the region under the name FSA.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and President Erdoğan had announced once more today that the maneuver in question targeted the Kurds and that they were against a “Kurdish corridor” in Syria.

Jarablus Military Council and Syrian Democratic Opposition describe Turkey’s venture as “occupation”.

Turkey does not attack ISIS; ISIS hands over villages to other gangs

After declaring a curfew in Karkamış across the border of Jarablus and evacuating the town, the Turkish state announced that it launched a military operation code-named ‘Euphrates Shield.’ However, the villagers of Jarablus and the footage that are recorded in the region refute the claims of Turkey and state that there is an extensive military deployment in the region as opposed to an operation. ISIS gangs are reported to have evacuated 4 villages and handed them over to gangs affiliated with Turkey.


Turkey’s Jarablus gamble

After the liberation of Manbij, Turkey once again took action. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his team began to implement new schemes against the people in North Syria that are in alliance with Rojava and the Kurdish people. With the mediation of Iran, Syria is now included in these schemes. Of course, the pro-KDP gang group ENKS is used as a pawn in this new scheme.

Turkish state forces and affiliated gangs shell Bab

Turkish state forces and affiliated gangs are shelling villages to the north of Bab region simultaneously with their invasion attack on Jarablus.

El-Burc, Şêx Herac and other villages that are predominantly Kurdish are under artillery fire.

Reports say ISIS gangs are kidnapping Kurds in the region simultaneously with the attacks.

Erdoğan confesses: We are attacking the PYD

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke on Turkey’s attack on Jarablus during a ceremony in Beştepe Millet Congress and Culture Center. Erdoğan confessed that the PYD is the main target of Turkey’s attack on Jarablus, and said that ‘the Turkish army began its operations against terrorist organizations such as ISIS and PYD at 4 am this morning.’ Erdoğan added that Turkish people would always exist despite the threats against Turkey.

Erdoğan threatened the PYD and responded to Saleh Moslem’s warning to Turkey as he said that ‘they should be concerned with what is going to happen to them.’ Erdoğan said that with its army, police, village guards, and people, Turkey would always exist and overcome the obstacles on its way no matter who constitutes a threat against it.

Kurds see 'no friends but the mountains' after US rebuke in Syria

Pro-Kurdish fighters claim US, Syria, Turkey and Iran are collaborating to undermine them, after having served US as shock troops against IS

....Der Kreml stimmte der Intervention der Türkei in Syrien zu, sonst hätte es ja russische Proteste und Drohungen in deren Vorfeld gegeben

Handover from ISIS to ISIS through the Turkish Army: Jarablus

The Turkish state forces held a handover ceremony where they took the city of Jarablus from the bearded and black-clad ISIS by a military operation act launched yesterday morning, and handed the city over to the shaven, dressed up ISIS. The military operation act was nothing more than the handover of Jarablus city according to the previous agreements with ISIS and other gangs against the gains of Kurdish people.


The preparations started days ago for the military operation act. ISIS gangs moved out of Jarablus, while just across the border in Karkamış district people were removed from their homes and around 80% of the city was evacuated. As the people were unsettled with the air of a large military maneuver and a serious war, what the Turkish army actually wanted to achieve was to garner credibility for the idea that the military maneuver was in fact large.

The military operation act started at around 04:00 a.m. The operation started with howitzer and tank fire. Construction equipment opened passages and first groups of gangs and Turkish army tanks entered the Keklice, Kıvırcık and Karakuyu villages 4 and 12-13 kilometers from Jarablus respectively.

YPG: We will not retreat from west of Euphrates

Speaking to Radio Voice of America, YPG (People's Defense Units) Spokesman Rêdur Xelil remarked that Turkey's attack on Jarablus targeted not ISIS but Kurds, underlining that they will not withdraw their forces from west of Euphrates and nobody can subject them to such an imposition.

Gang groups in Jarablus attack a village recently liberated in Manbij

ISIS gangs retreated from Jarablus centre and 15 villages and handed these over to gang groups affiliated to the Turkish army on Wednesday. Reports are coming through that some ISIS gangs remain in this territory under the name of FSA groups. Gangs have later started to attack a village controlled by Manbij Military Council, which they recently liberated.

What's Turkey really up to in Syria?

Turkey's military plunge across the Syrian border this week has all eyes focused on the Jarablus area, as observers wait for the possible fallout between Ankara and the Kurds.

It's evident that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is targeting the Kurds. He admits as much publicly, though he says he is also pursuing the Islamic State (IS).

YPG reports ongoing attacks by Turkish army and gang groups

According to the daily written statement by YPG (People's Defense Units), Turkish army attacked Tıl Seriyê village to the west of Kobanê with heavy weaponry on August 25.

Turkish military also attacked the YPG positions in Eyndiwêr village of Dêrîk with heavy weaponry early this morning.

YPG: Nobody can launch attacks with the “West of Euphrates” excuse

YPG Official Spokesperson Redur Xelîl issued a statement over YPG’s Facebook page on claims that YPG has forces to the west of the Euphrates River.

Xelîl’s statement includes the following:

“Nobody can use the excuse that YPG has forces to the west of the Euphrates River to attack these areas. Because those people know very well that YPG forces have aided the Manbij Military Council to liberate the region from ISIS gangs, and have retreated from the region after that mission was fulfilled.”

HPG statement on ISIS attack on Makhmur refugee camp

KONGRA-GEL: Turkey will drown in the Syrian marsh

KONGRA-GEL Co-Presidency has released a statement about the Turkish state occupation in Jarablus in an agreement with gang groups.

The statement underlined that; “Panicked in the face of the SDF forces' advance to the north after the Manbij victory, Turkish state took over Jarablus from ISIS in an arranged act, and handed it over to the FSA gangs affiliated to itself. The ISIS that resisted SDF forces for 75 days in Manbij, handed Jarablus over to FSA gangs guided by Turkish special forces in two hours. In other words, Turkish state did its mission of handover between gangs affiliated to itself without any clashes taking place. Even this single incident itself reveals the organic tie between Turkey and ISIS.”

Türkischer Giftgasangriff?

Attacken türkischer Truppen und verbündeter dschihadistischer Milizen auf Selbstverteidigungskräfte Rojavas eskalieren. Berichte über Giftgaseinsatz südlich von Jarabulus

Kampflose Eroberung von Dscharablus: Wer an der türkischen Offensive auf Dscharablus beteiligt war

"Wir dulden keinen Kurdenstaat an unserer Grenze!" Dieses Schreckgespenst wird in den letzten Tagen wieder aus der Schublade geholt. Unhinterfragt übernehmen die Medien die Aussage des türkischen Außenministers Cavusoglu und des Ministerpräsidenten Yildirim (Die türkische Offensive in Syrien wird von massiver Propaganda begleitet).

Was wedding blast in Gaziantep revenge for IS defeats in Syria?

A festive rumble echoed through the mainly Kurdish neighborhood of Beybahce in Gaziantep late on Aug. 20, belying the impending carnage. A “henna night” — a traditional party preceding weddings — was underway in the streets, attended mostly by women and children. Kurdish folk dances were in full swing and the henna ceremony was just to begin when an explosion ended the music. A suicide bomber had blown himself up among the crowd, leaving behind a bloodbath, with torn body parts littering the ground and people screaming for help.

Manbij Military Council sources reported that after their attack on Bir El-Kûsa, Turkish soldiers carried out another massacre in the village of Sirêsat to the south of Jarablus.

Tens of civilians were massacred during the attacks of Turkish soldiers in Turkish tanks and warplanes.