Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Innenpolitik

Deutschland hat keine Wahl, alles klar entschieden, „Die Welt“ unterschlägt Ergebnis

Deutschland hat keine Wahl, alles klar entschieden, „Die Welt“ unterschlägt Ergebnis

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... ich tue was Linke tun, Ungerechtigkeit bekämpfen!
von Yossi Wolfson

Greece and the German elections: Truths unsaid

George Stathakis, a professor of Economics at the University of Crete, is a SYRIZA MP and Shadow Minister of Development. Recently he wrote an article titled: "The Greek Issue in the Imaginations of German Politicians", where he points out six obvious truths about the Greek crisis that are being eschewed in German electoral discussions about Greece. Below I have translated these six points as they highlight "Eurotrib common sense", I think, and are interesting by themselves as they pretty much echo the analysis of the SYRIZA leadership, quite possibly Greece's government after the next elections (whenever they might come, and it might not be too long now)...