Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Soziales

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 45 Million for 53 Straight Months

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 45 Million for 53 Straight Months

The number of individuals receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 53 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture.

These 15 Cities Are Destroying Homeless Camps Just Days Before Christmas

Flint brothers trek 2 miles every day for water

Free Press reporter Robert Allen and photographer Romain Blanquart spent Friday talking to residents of Flint to find out how they are dealing with the city's water crisis, which has left them without potable water because of lead and other contamination in the lines that resulted when the city was switched from the Detroit system to water drawn from the Flint River. It's a crisis that is drawing increased national attention and has put Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder in the cross hairs of the controversy.

Americans are about to get poorer in 2016 as the wealth effect reverses

Americans are about to get poorer in 2016 as the wealth effect reverses: 63 percent of Americans have no emergency savings.

The year is off to a tumultuous start. Markets around the globe are quickly realizing that hot money is going to hit a wall at some point. Many Americans are coming to the stark realization that the recession that ended in 2009 never really ended for the middle class. In fact, it might have been the nail in the coffin for the middle class. Much of the fragile gains really went to a small fraction of Americans and the financial system is predicated on siphoning off wealth from the working class. Many Americans are still living on the financial edge. A recent survey found that 63 percent of Americans have no emergency savings. Forget about having a robust nest egg. The retirement plan for many Americans is to work until they fall over dead. While the last few years brought in spending with debt this of course was set to reverse once the market had its first tiny correction since 2009. Americans are about to feel and become poorer in 2016.

45 million Americans rely on food stamps, 1 million about to lose them

One in seven Americans still depends on food stamps, according to Bloomberg News. Now with the US economy on the rebound, some states are imposing time limits on the program, and that could mean trouble for the 45.4 million people relying on them.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as SNAP, is the formal name for food stamps. Enrollment in SNAP exploded during the 2007-2009 recession when state and federal governments encouraged citizens to take advantage of aid. However, the apparent improvement in the US economy as a whole has not reached some of the country’s citizens.

70% Of Jobs Added In January Were Minimum Wage Waiters And Retail Workers

For those curious where the big jump in earnings came from, the answer appears rather simple: the reason, according to the BLS' breakdown of jobs added in January (per the Establishment survey), of the 151,000 jobs added in the past month, retail trade added 58,000 jobs in January, while employment in food services and drinking places, aka waiters and bartenders, rose by 47,000 in January.

In other words, 70% of the job gains in January went to minimum wage workers.

Offshoring the Economy: Why the US is on the Road to the Third World

On January 6, 2004, Senator Charles Schumer and I challenged the erroneous idea that jobs offshoring was free trade in a New York Times op-ed. Our article so astounded economists that within a few days Schumer and I were summoned to a Brookings Institution conference in Washington, DC, to explain our heresy. In the nationally televised conference, I declared that the consequence of jobs offshoring would be that the US would be a Third World country in 20 years.

The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover

The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated.

Jobs offshoring benefitted Wall Street, corporate executives, and shareholders, because lower labor and compliance costs resulted in higher profits. These profits flowed through to shareholders in the form of capital gains and to executives in the form of “performance bonuses.” Wall Street benefitted from the bull market generated by higher profits.

However, jobs offshoring also offshored US GDP and consumer purchasing power. Despite promises of a “New Economy” and better jobs, the replacement jobs have been increasingly part-time, lowly-paid jobs in domestic services, such as retail clerks, waitresses and bartenders.

The offshoring of US manufacturing and professional service jobs to Asia stopped the growth of consumer demand in the US, decimated the middle class, and left insufficient employment for college graduates to be able to service their student loans. The ladders of upward mobility that had made the United States an “opportunity society” were taken down in the interest of higher short-term profits.

Rosner and Markowitz, Welcome to the United States of Flint

Talk about nightmares: the children of a city, thousands of them, may have been poisoned by lead in its drinking water in a process set off by adults intent on saving a little money, who learned of the dangers and then ignored the warnings of scientists, revealed nothing to the public about the risks to their health, insisted on the water’s safety, and in some cases suppressed information about its actual state. As anyone who has picked up a paper or turned on the TV news in recent weeks knows, this is a basic description of the ongoing crisis in Flint, Michigan, in which “austerity” economics dictated that a city switch to extremely corrosive water that often came out of the tap discolored, and sometimes left those who bathed in it with severe rashes. You undoubtedly also know that an anti-corrosive agent which might have prevented most of the corrosion in the city’s water pipes, and so the lead poisoning of untold numbers of its residents, was skipped at a savings of approximately $100 a day. And lest you think that any lessons have been learned, Republicans in Congress, eager (like Michigan Governor Rick Snyder) to save a few bucks at whatever cost to the health of people they could care less about, refuse to fund a fix to the problem. As Reuters reported recently, “Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the second-ranking Republican in the Senate, said aid to Flint must not add to U.S. budget deficits for 'what is a local and state problem.'"

Die Rolle von Veolia in der Wasser-Tragödie von Flint, Michigan

Im Februar 2015, fast ein ganzes Jahr bevor die Nachricht von der umfassenden Vergiftung in die Schlagzeilen kam, begutachtete der größte private Wasserkonzern Veolia, das Wasser in Flint als sicher. Veolia war von der Stadt beauftragt worden, die Wasserqualität zu begutachten, über die sich viele Einwohner beschwert hatten. Eine Frabrik von General Motors hatte sogar die Verwendung des Flinter Leitungswassers gestoppt, weil es bei Autoteilen Rost verursachte.

Veolia, ein französischer transnationaler Konzern, bewertete Flints Wasser als “in Übereinstimmung stehend mit staatlichen und Bundes-Gesetzen.” Während der Konzern geringe Änderungen vorschlug, um Farbe und Qualität des Wassers zu verbessern, erwähnte der Bericht nicht das enthaltene Blei.

10 Things they won't tell your about the Flint Water Tragedy .

But I will , by Michael Moore

Peter Van Buren, Minimum Wage, Minimum Chance

To say that we live on a 1% planet isn't just a turn of phrase. In fact, it would undoubtedly be more accurate to speak of a .1% or a .01% planet. In recent years, wealth and income inequalities have grown in a notorious fashion in the United States -- and, as it turns out, globally as well. In January, Oxfam released a report on the widening gap between global wealth and poverty. It found that, between 2010 and today, the wealth of the poorest half of the planet’s population fell by a trillion dollars, a drop of 41%, while that of the richest 62 people (53 men and nine women) increased by half a trillion dollars. Put another way, those 62 billionaires were wealthier than the bottom 50% of the world’s people, while the richest 1% owned more than the other 99% combined. The direction in which we're heading is obvious. Just consider that, in 2010, it took 388 of the super-rich to equal the holdings of the bottom 50%; now, that number is 326 people smaller.

In der USA lassen Sterben durch Nichtbehandlung

Allein im US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania sind geschätzt 10.000 Gefangene an Hepatitis-C erkrankt. Diese ließe sich relativ einfach behandeln - allerdings mit einem extrem teuren Medikament. Also schaut das zuständige Departement of Correction (DOC), die Gefängnisbehörde, tatenlos zu, wie sich die Krankheit ausbreitet und ihre Nebenwirkungen entfaltet. Gefangene werden im Gefängnishospital mit einem Arm und einem Bein ans Krankenbett gefesselt und - auf gut deutsch gesagt - lässt man sie elendig verrecken

Nearly one-third of US food stamp recipients rely on food pantries

Nearly one-third of US households on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) rely on food pantries to supplement their food budget, according to data highlighted this week by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which administers SNAP.

The USDA reports that in 2014, 23 million American households received SNAP benefits, formerly known as food stamps. Of those households receiving SNAP benefits, 32 percent report they had visited a food pantry in the previous 30 days.

Households receiving other government food assistance also visited food pantries in significant numbers. Twenty-three percent of households using the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program visited a pantry, as did 23 percent of households where children are receiving free or reduced-price school lunches.

There is a big problem with the government's plan to stop the drug-overdose epidemic

The new commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Robert Califf, told a panel of FDA advisers last week that he will do "everything possible under our authority" to help the federal government curb an epidemic of drug overdoses.

A report released by the US Centers for Disesase Control and Prevention (CDC) in January revealed that drug-overdose deaths reached a new high in 2014, totaling 47,055 people. Opioids, a type of powerful painkiller that requires a prescription, were involved in 60% of those deaths.