#IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]
#IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]
Zitat: DoW.de
Diesen Donnerstag haben wir wieder eine kleine Aktion für euch am Start, welche erneut aus der Kooperation zwischen Dawnofwar.de und THQ stammt.
Am 19. Dezember, sprich diesen Donnerstag, bieten wir allen Communitymembern die Möglichkeit direkt Fragen an Relic zu stellen. Hierzu hat Relic uns ihren Mitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell bereit gestellt welcher alle Fragen rund um das Thema Dawn of War beantworten wird.
Wie nehme ich daran teil?
Zum einen werden wir Donnerstag Abend einen Online IRC Client bei uns auf der Webseite online stellen, welcher direkt in unseren IRC Channel #dawnofwar.de im Quakenet führen wird. Natürlich habt ihr auch die Möglichkeit über Standard IRC Clients wie MIRC dem Livechat beizuwohnen. Während des Livechats habt ihr die Möglichkeiten eure Fragen via Query an Chatmoderator EugenusMaximus weiter zu geben, welcher letzten Endes diese dann direkt an Jonathan richtet.
Der Livechat wird auf 20 Minuten begrenzt sein, seid also Pünktlich im Channel wenn ihr nichts verpassen möchtet. Natürlich werden wir dennoch eine Zusammenfaßung der einzelnen Fragen und Antworten anschließend auf der Webseite veröffentlichen.
Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle wieder einmal an THQ Germany!
[UPDATE] Beginn des Chats ist um 19:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit.
evtl omm ich auch
Re: #IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]
Das hättest du acuh unter News schreiben könen aber egal...
Wünsche viel Spass und bitte versuch das Thema: 1.5 Patch oder wie der heissen wird reinzubringen.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet darf sie behalten
Re: #IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]
Ok hier mal der Bericht
EugenusMaximus hat man per query fragen stellen können, welche dann auf English an RELICJohnathanDO gestellt wurden. Der war recht nett und lustig drauf.Das snd nicht seine Orginalworte aber das hat er ungefähr gesagt:
Frage: Wird THQ ein Unabhängiges Onlinesystem aufbauen
Antwort: Ja wir versuchen neue Features einzugliedern, mal sehen was technisch möglich is, mit oder ohne Gamespy.
Frage: Kann man einen Loading Sreen im Automatch einbauen, der die Karte und den Gegner anzeigt??
Antwort: Daran ird gerade gearbeitete und ein Prototyp ist fertiggestellt, wenn er fertiggestellt wurde kommat auch der neue Patch raus
Frage: Warum 2on2 im Automatch?? Antwort: Damit es mehr Tier 3 kämpfe gibt
Frage: Wird es einen diect Map upload geben, also wenn jemand eine Selbsterstellte Map spielt, kann der andere sie downloaden
Antwort: Es ist "definitely on his list" ;). Jedoch ist es schwer da es rechte uaf Maps geben könnte. Bsp man benutz FIFA 06 Skinns oda so ähnlich und läd die hoch. Dann hatt der der sie geladen hat ein Prob. Evtl kann man sie dann mit JA/NEIN ablehnen, oder annehmen
Zum Nächsten Patch
" haha this is always a sticky area" meint er dazu. Es ist einer in Arbeit aber er kann nichts genaueres sagen.Es ist schwer für sie da kleinste Änderungen größte Wirkung haben können.Außerdem gibt es bei verschiedenen Sprachen, verschiedenen OS immer Probleme.Deshalb bewundern sie Blizzard(Warcraft) für ihr good support ;). Außerdem:"I love the DoWPro Mod I ve been in contact with Tuhdmeister. Auch das Balanceteam welches oben in der TOP100 Mitspielt und eine Betaversion sollen den Patch zum besten überhaupt werden lassen
Frage: DoW 2?
Antwort: oooo.. that question. we had a lot of fun doing this and we´d like to have this experience again.
bleibt also offen ob aj oder nein
gegen 19.35 wars dann aus un der nette mann musste gehen
Trotzdem mal hier danke an ihn und Lob an relic
Re: #IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]
Wenn alle Games so offene Entwickler/Typen die mit der Community quatschen hätten dann wäre ich wahrscheinlich um 300 Euro ärmer aber die Welt dafür voller Zocker. Find ich echt cool dass der Kerl sich da bequatschen hat alssen.
Aber der Text inner halben Stunde? Oder waren das nur die wichtigsten?
Aber man sieht dass THQ sich um seine Community kümmert und nen super Support macht.
für Arbeitsaufwand und Zeit an NECRON
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet darf sie behalten
Re: #IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]
[18:56] EugenusMaximus: Ah, hello to Jonathan [18:56] BoNeCrUsHeR666: ok [18:56] rid: hello [18:57] BoNeCrUsHeR666: also nun fragen bitte dann an mich per query [18:57] RELICJonathanDo: Hello [18:57] *** Mode change "+m" for channel #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666. [18:57] Jukster2: hi [18:57] prime|KinG: hi guys [18:57] RELICJonathanDo: hi Jochen [18:57] EugenusMaximus: OK, now the channel rights are set to the moderated mode [18:57] Jukster2: hi jonathan! [18:57] RELICJonathanDo: so I can't swear? [18:57] *** alien|pToFF is now known as alien|pTo4. [18:58] EugenusMaximus: sure you can :> [18:58] prime|KinG: ^^ [18:58] *** Sethimus has joined #dawnofwar.de. [18:58] RELICJonathanDo: woohoo [18:58] EugenusMaximus: But then we will deactivate the moderated modus so every one here can I think noone really wants that *g* [18:58] RELICJonathanDo: thanks for having me everybody! [18:58] RELICJonathanDo: i've been looking forward to this. [18:58] EugenusMaximus: OK, frist of all we would like to see you Jonathan introducing to everybody [18:59] *** [Nekron] has joined #dawnofwar.de. [18:59] RELICJonathanDo: okee dokee [18:59] RELICJonathanDo: My full name is Jonathan Dowdeswell (looks like it doesn't fit my nickname thing.) [18:59] RELICJonathanDo: I am the Producer at Relic on the Dawn of War franchise. [19:00] RELICJonathanDo: Is that enough? Or should I talk about my childhood? ;-) [19:00] EugenusMaximus: I think so :> [19:00] EugenusMaximus: Well, would be interesting but we do have not that much time [19:00] RELICJonathanDo: I was born by a set of railroad tracks, in a sleepy town....hahaha [19:01] *** a`slizeR has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:01] RELICJonathanDo: We probably should stick to Dawn of War....does anyone have questions? [19:01] EugenusMaximus: ok :> i won't ask any more about that :> [19:01] *** Jukster2 has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer). [19:01] EugenusMaximus: ok, let's start [19:01] *** Jukster3 has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:01] EugenusMaximus: First questions comes right from the dow.de Staff refering to the latest Informations, Tranj posted in the Relic Forum (Link: (Link: http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.p...63&page=1&pp=15)http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.p...63&page=1&pp=15). Is this maybe a sign that Relic and THQ are going to set an independant Online System, outside of Gamespy? [19:01] *** Mode change "+v Jukster3" for channel #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666. [19:02] RELICJonathanDo: good question! any very astute spotting... [19:02] RELICJonathanDo: I think this is really a Relic question too, and community in general. [19:03] RELICJonathanDo: We want our games to be much more accessible, and have a much higher rate of connections and features than what we're currently providing. [19:03] EugenusMaximus: Heh, this gives a large room for interpretations [19:03] RELICJonathanDo: To do that, we are definitely exploring other options. We have Company of Heroes coming out next year, and obviously we plan to match the online feature set of Winter Assault, but we'd really like more, and we are running into limitations with how far the Gamespy tech can get us. [19:05] *** Sahaquiel has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:05] RELICJonathanDo: Next question? Was that enough? [19:05] BoNeCrUsHeR666: yes [19:05] EugenusMaximus: Tokreal would like to know if the loadiong screen of automatches will be changed. Currently you just have a nice action screenshot, Most people would like to see the oppenent and the map. Are you working on that? [19:06] *** Mister|wech has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:06] *** Listoric has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:06] *** Mode change "+o Listoric" for channel #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666. [19:07] *** PiC|SENTINEL has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:07] *** Ritze`afk is now known as Ritze. [19:07] RELICJonathanDo: Yes!!! That's something I want too, but we always seem to be rushing to finish our games and can't get that feature in. We already have a working prototype load screen that shows opponent names/race and map. [19:07] RELICJonathanDo: We realize we want to add "Random" as a valid race there though, so that people who play Random get a benefit going into the game. (Their opponents don't get to know who they are.) This also means we have to add Random to the online stats though... [19:08] RELICJonathanDo: One feature creates the need for 4....:-) [19:08] RELICJonathanDo: However, as soon as we have it, I want to patch the game so that everyone can enjoy that feature. (No promises on dates, Relic is VERY busy finalling the Outfit right now, but I am on your side!) [19:09] *** Blaze| has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:09] EugenusMaximus: hehe, ok [19:09] EugenusMaximus: Lets go on to the next one [19:09] EugenusMaximus: Traiter asks why Relic has decided to put some of the 2on2 Maps into the mappool [19:09] RELICJonathanDo: Do you mean into the 1v1 map pool? [19:10] EugenusMaximus: yes [19:10] EugenusMaximus: for automatches [19:11] RELICJonathanDo: Mostly just to give some variety. Larger maps give players more of a chance to get to Tier 3 tech. (Bloodthirsters, Baneblades, Orbital Bombardment.) A lot of small map, 1v1 matches, tend to finish in the first tiers... [19:11] RELICJonathanDo: Good question! [19:11] EugenusMaximus: ok, k4tze wants to know if it's possible to get i direct map download when joining a game with a new custom map just like in starcraft and other games? [19:12] RELICJonathanDo: Excellent feature. Definitely on my list, however there are a few problems we've run into with that one. [19:12] EugenusMaximus: Just like the Map Size? [19:12] EugenusMaximus: They are much bigger then in starcraft for example [19:13] RELICJonathanDo: This may surprise you, but one of the biggest reasons we haven't been able to do that, is legal issues. As soon as you start letting people "auto-patch" each others systems with maps etc, we're basically facilitating the transfer of potentially "illegal content." [19:14] RELICJonathanDo: Imagine if someone used textures from Half Life 2 in order to make a Dawn of War map. If we let people auto-transfer, we could be liable. Because of that, everytime we try to do this feature, we realize that we haven't spent enough time with THQ legal figuring out a way that they are comfortable with us doing this. [19:15] *** a`Asmo has signed off IRC (Read error: EOF from client). [19:15] *** iX|Nightmare has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:15] EugenusMaximus: Don't you have the same problems with banners and badges as well? [19:15] RELICJonathanDo: Rest assured, I still want to see this happen. It's a much more elegant solution than relying on people going to websites to download maps. You guys (everyone on this chat) are all savvy enough to get the maps, but for the mainstream user, I'd like to have a simple checkbox or something. (You need to download a map to play this person. Auto-download? Yes/No.) [19:16] EugenusMaximus: Yeah, that's what most people would like to seee i guess [19:16] EugenusMaximus: but we are running out of time so let's get to another area which is really often asked i think The Balancing [19:17] *** Blaze| has left #dawnofwar.de. [19:17] *** Schorsch_ has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:17] EugenusMaximus: We would like to know when we can expect the next patch and what will it contain [19:17] *** ViD`DoW|Santo is now known as ViD|Santo^off. [19:17] RELICJonathanDo: Hahaha, balance - always a sticky area... [19:17] *** iX|Nightmare is now known as WW_Nightmare. [19:18] *** ToT|Right has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:18] prime|KinG: ;> [19:18] *** STK-Left has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:18] *** STK-Left is now known as ToT|Left. [19:18] RELICJonathanDo: Well, our main multiplayer designer has already been working on a few balance adjustments. This is for patch 1.5. There will be balance adjustments, of course, depending on what seems to be the most necessary changes. [19:19] RELICJonathanDo: As far as other features, like I said, I'm hoping to have the loading screen feature done, and possibly a few other ease of use things like that. [19:19] *** Ratatosk has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:19] RELICJonathanDo: Patches are sort of funny for us, because we know there is such huge demand for updates from our players, and we'd love to do them way more often, but they are much more difficult than we ever expect. [19:20] RELICJonathanDo: I really admire Blizzard actually for their patching process, their years of experience, and I think a fully dedicated patch team, have made their ability to update things much more efficient. [19:21] *** Mister|wech has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer). [19:21] EugenusMaximus: Well, in the latest months we have seen some fan balance projects and they worked pretty well. Are you looking foe those developements? A famours example is the DoWPro Mod which contains lots of changes. But we also had some smaller patches from our User of dawnofwar.de which fixed bugs [19:21] RELICJonathanDo: We're getting better at it, but we still find that developing patches that 1) satisfy all the balance demands of every player of every race, and 2) work for every single permutation of DOW and WA install (all languages, people at any patch level currently, people on WinXP vs. other OS's, people on.....??? crazy combos), is very difficult. [19:22] *** alien|pTo4 is now known as alien|pToFF. [19:22] *** GS_Kaiser has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:22] RELICJonathanDo: I love the DOW Pro Mod. [19:22] *** PatchThisPlz has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:23] RELICJonathanDo: I've been in contact with Thudmeister (sp?) about their work too actually. [19:23] *** PatchThisPlz has left #dawnofwar.de. [19:23] *** PatchThisPlz has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:23] *** WW_Mene has signed off IRC (Signed off). [19:23] RELICJonathanDo: Yes, they shame us. :-) [19:23] EugenusMaximus: hehe [19:23] EugenusMaximus: Well, the community is ready to help Relic in every way they can [19:24] *** Mode change "+b *!~phis@*.t-ipconnect.de" for channel #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666. [19:24] *** PatchThisPlz has been kicked from #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666: nick ... [19:24] RELICJonathanDo: One more question? [19:24] EugenusMaximus: There were some rumours about the relic balance team, playing online with the RELIC| Tag. Are these players really of the balance team? [19:25] *** GS_Kaiser has left #dawnofwar.de. [19:25] *** phis has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:25] EugenusMaximus: ok, this one is that last one [19:26] *** ToT|Left has left #dawnofwar.de. [19:26] *** ToT|Left has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:26] RELICJonathanDo: I do believe some of the guys go online with that tag when they're trying to get input from other players about the balance. They all have other usernames as well, but sometimes they do use those. One of the things we actually might do on the next patch, is release a beta to some of the very active players online. (Possibly including some mod groups, so they can have their mods up to date immediately.) I think that would be pretty cool. [19:27] *** WW_Spitter has signed off IRC (Ping timeout). [19:27] EugenusMaximus: and Fansite Administrators of course [19:27] BoNeCrUsHeR666: lol [19:27] RELICJonathanDo: Of course... [19:27] Listoric: ^^ [19:28] EugenusMaximus: ok, lets get to the latest questions [19:28] *** ToT|Right has signed off IRC (Ping timeout). [19:28] EugenusMaximus: Ah, ok. We got one [19:28] EugenusMaximus: Are you workiong on dawn of war 2? [19:28] EugenusMaximus: working, I'm sorry for the bad typing [19:29] RELICJonathanDo: oooh......that question......I knew I should have stopped while I was ahead....;-) [19:29] EugenusMaximus: hehe [19:29] RELICJonathanDo: why do you ask by the way? do you guys want a sequel or something? [19:30] RELICJonathanDo: something more about the Blood Ravens? [19:30] EugenusMaximus: I can kick jukster for 5 minutes if you want [19:30] RELICJonathanDo: Is that really why you're all here....? hahahah [19:30] EugenusMaximus: Hmm, there are many reasons why we're here [19:30] EugenusMaximus: First of of all because we are interested in the future of dawn of war [19:31] EugenusMaximus: And that includes Informations like that [19:31] *** NoDoW2Plz has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:31] *** Mode change "+b *!*@p50872B7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de" for channel #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666. [19:31] *** ToT|Left has been kicked from #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666: It's been nice knowing you.. well actually, it hasn't [19:31] *** NoDoW2Plz has been kicked from #dawnofwar.de by BoNeCrUsHeR666: ...and there was much rejoicing... [19:31] RELICJonathanDo: Officially, I can't say anything about our current/future projects. Here's what I will say. I am the franchise producer for the Dawn of War series. We at Relic are very happy with how much fun we had making Dawn of Wars, and with how well the game has been received, and we would really like to have that experience again. [19:31] RELICJonathanDo: Should I be a politician someday? [19:32] EugenusMaximus: Hmm, No, you shouldn't As a producer we like you more i think [19:32] *** alien|pToFF is now known as alien|pTo4. [19:33] RELICJonathanDo: (Wouldn't Dawn of War 2 look freaking awesome in the Company of Heroes engine?) [19:33] EugenusMaximus: it would [19:33] EugenusMaximus: OK, this was our last question. Even if we would have a large number of other qustions we want to thank THQ and Relic for this really nice possibilty :> [19:33] *** plan-B|Spirit has joined #dawnofwar.de. [19:33] EugenusMaximus: We would love to repeat this some day [19:34] Jukster3: and we thank dawnofwar.de for supporting Relic and us in such a great manner [19:34] RELICJonathanDo: Thank you too! It was a fun time - and I hope I answered at least a good amount of your questions. [19:34] RELICJonathanDo: Thank you guys for setting it up.... [19:34] BoNeCrUsHeR666: yes u did [19:34] BoNeCrUsHeR666: thank you [19:34] EugenusMaximus: No problem. We are always ready for you :> [19:35] RELICJonathanDo: Cheers everyone, see you next time... [19:35] Listoric: cya [19:35] Listoric: thx a lot [19:35] EugenusMaximus: cya [19:35] prime|KinG: cYa guys [19:36] EugenusMaximus: OK, nbow it's time to set the old mode so every one will be able to speak again [19:36] EugenusMaximus: Be carefull what you will say [19:37] EugenusMaximus: ok, ihr könnt wieder :> [19:37] RELICJonathanDo: Happy Holidays
so hier bitte sehr
Re: #IRC Livechat mit Relicmitarbeiter Jonathan Dowdeswell [UPDATE]