- Freestyle / Freeride

Neuste Rickter Hülle

Re: Neuste Rickter Hülle

@ Marc: ganz einfach, weil Carbon leichter ist und man sich nicht so abmühen muß um den Ski über den Strand ins Wasser bekommt. ;-)

Re: Neuste Rickter Hülle

ja das habe ich mir letztens auch erst gedacht, wenn die lw so toll ist warum sind da auch soooo dicke motoren drin und warum fahren so viele top fahrer diese hülle, ausser dir natürlich?

zum oben stehenden beitrag von dir. weils mit einem dicken motor höher, leichter, .... einfach geiler ist.

Re: Neuste Rickter Hülle

Wer's noch nicht gesehen hat. Hier die neue FS/R 2 Evo 1 Hülle.

Mehr Rocker, Deckelhaube a la XFS, neuer intake, siderail's sind geändert, mehr Pumpen möglich, abnehmbare Sponsons, Turf und foodholds auch überarbeitet.

Re: Neuste Rickter Hülle

trotzdem noch die länge vom üblichen fs/r 2 ??
oder ist die hülle auch um einige cm eingekürzt worden ?

Re: Neuste Rickter Hülle

Press Release from RRP about the RRP-Rickter FR2 EVO 1

"RRP has been keeping a secret from the world throughout the last year.
After hundreds of hours of development and testing, we are proud to
present the FR2-EVO 1, the next generation in Rickter hulls.

With the ever-changing watercraft market, it is vital to constantly try
new things and always improve on what is already out and the newest FR2
is a prime example of that. The FR2 is a versatile hull which is
perfect for surf-riding, carving buoys, freestyle maneuvers, and even
backflips for those daring enough to try.

At RRP, we
wanted the FR2-EVO 1 to look, as well as perform, better. The FR2 now
more closely resembles the XFS with the signature lid-style hood, as
well as major graphic changes including the large Rickter logo across
the hull, and much sleeker upper deck lines to bring it all together.

The new hull also includes many performance-enhancing features such as
wider and more angled bond rails similar to that on the XFS. This allows
you to carve and hold your line with ease as well as promote stability.
We have created a new pump intake duct which allows the pump to stay
loaded and aid in sharp carving ability, similar to that which you would
find on heavier race-inspired hulls. For the big freestyle tricks such
as backflips, we have altered the nose to allow for a better "pop" when
launching off setup wakes and aids in preventing the nose to catch the
waves when surfriding . The final modification we have made is the
removable sponsons which allow to you customize your riding and switch
between surf and flat water riding, making the FR2 a most versatile
hull on the market . When the sponsons are installed it applies more
pressure to the nose, keeping it planted for freeriding through the surf
or racing around buoys. If you want to practice your backflips and
other freestyle tricks on flat water, simple remove the sponsons and you
are ready to go.

Overall, the Rickter FR2-EVO 1 has
transformed from a freeride-limited hull to a versatile, customizable
ski that allows riders to reach their full potential in the sport,
whether they are competing in freestyle ,freeride or just having fun.

Changes between the FS2 evo and the FR2 evo are just increased layup
strength between the two to take the abuse of harder and higher landing
in the surf enviroment"