Ein Leipziger Elterntreff - Suche / Biete KiTa- o. Betreuungsplatz

English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?

English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?

Does anyone have any interest in forming an English-speaking nursing group? We have La Leche Liga in Leipzig...but naturally the meetings are in German. I would like to meet with other English-speaking Mother's who are nursing their baby/toddler.

Email: var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'ioftiger'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'hotmail'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+'');ioftiger@hotmailcom

Re: English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?


where abouts do you live? i am looking for someone i could get in touch with now and again so my son william gets into contact with other children and i with other mums. william is 9 month old. i am not english but my husband is. and i dont mind speaking it. ;-)

regards, anett

Re: English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?


I live in Sudvorstadt, around the corner from Cafe Grundmann. My daughter will be 1 next thursday. Where do you live?

Re: English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?

hi rachel,

i live in "stötteritz". it is in the south east, not very far from the battle monument (völkerschlachtdenkmal). so i think we are not very far away from one another and could easily meet if you want. what do you think?


Re: English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?


i just found your conversation and wondered wether you'd like to meet my daughter Helene, 10 month, and me, too.
i'm not english but i'd like to speak English more often again.
we live more or less around the corner from your place.
i'd be very happy to hear from you!


Re: English-Speaking Stillen Gruppe?

Hallo Franziska,

wir sind gerade dabei, ein Treffen zu vereinbaren. Vielleicht klappt es nächste Woche. Ich meinerseits würde mich sehr freuen, auch dich und Helene kennenzulernen! Du kannst mich auch gern über meine E-Mail kontaktieren: var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'ansmi'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'gmx'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'net';document.writeln(''+e+'');ansmi@gmxnet .
