Once upon a time there was a beautiful man who was called Antonio. But Antonio wasnt a normal human being, he was a vampire, a child of the dark. He was older than the oldest man in the world, but looked like 30. His long, black, curled hair, his dark eyes and his tan skin was typical mexican. No wonder he was a Mexican in his lifetime. Since 1900 he lived in an old villa at the outskirts from San Diego. Before this time he had lived in the slums of Mexico City. In his villa started and ended everynight his hunt for young women. The whole hunt had everytime the same process. At first he observed his victim, the he chased it, caught it and brought it in his home. There he killed the girls and drank their blood. The people of San Diego didnt know anything about Antonio. His food were prostitutes and hitchhikers who anyone missed. The chase of Antonios life began in the night between the 30 and the 31 octobre. Antonio had a good feeling, because the next night was been Halloween. Antonio brought his last victim, a prostitute, in his villa, when suddenly a man stepped outof a house next to the villa. The man, brown hair and glasses on the nose, starred into Antonios glowing eyes. His eyes began to glow everytime, when he was excited or angry. The man saw the half dead girl Antonio was carrying. Whats up? Is there anything with the girl? he asked. Antonios eyes went brighter. He pressed the girls body to himself. He has to have her. He was hungry. Nothing! answered Antonio short. The man got nearer and asked: Really? Yes! She feels no pain anymore, shes dead! hissed Antonio and threw the body on the floor. He grabbed the mans head and broke his neck. It was easy for Antonio, so it broke with a loud creak which Antonio liked to hear. Antonio carried the two corpses in his villa. There he threw the lifeless bodies in the middle of his big living-room. In this room, there was no furniture except an old, dirty carpet which was damaged and bloody. The room was full of a decay stench. The cause of the stench was the next room. There he hid old corpses which were bloodless. Antonio took the old man in this room, his mortuary. Because he was to old and Antonio hated old people's blood. Then he sat himself on the carpet, took the girls body, bit in her neck and drank her blood. He drank slowly and happily. He enjoyed it really. This was the kind of girl he loved, young and innocent. When he had drunk the whole blood, he brought the white, fragile body away. He was full and relaxed. The angry glow in his eyes was gone and he lay down on his carpet. He deeply inhaled the decay stench which he liked very much. He stared to the ceiling and remembered the day when he became a vampire. That night he went for a walk as suddenly something attacked him from behind. He felt a lot of pain in his neck and felt blood which flowed over his chest. He touched his chest and saw blood on his fingers. Then he felt an urge to taste the blood and licked his fingers. It was the vampires blood. Why does the vampire bleed? he thought, but then his stomach contracted with much pain.
Am melethril nîn - i chin lîn
i arad neth, Anor eria o thiriw ar mi calad laug în cenin... i chin lîn i arad ´ala, Anor ´ovad mhenel ar mi glawar în cenin... i chin lîn i arad vâd lim, Anor caran ar mi galad în cenin... i chin lîn tinnu dôl, in elin eriar ar os sílad mhíriel în cenin... i chin lîn i dhû neth, Ithil eria or eryn ar mi thîr hilivren în cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw einior, elenath ar Ithil gerir glaur vain ial cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw iaur, aur dôl rad. Mi guren glass echuia istol mi minui galad vallen achenithon... i chin lîn
Re: Antonio (Eine englische Vampirgeschichte)
He felt how his body died, but his mind growed up. Now he became a child of the dark. He saw the world though other eyes, vampire eyes. Now the world was livelier and Antonio began to laugh, but he didnt know why. This happening was now several decades over. Antonio stood up, looked outof the window and consided the haven. Slowly the sun rose. Now it was time for Antonio to sleep. He went upstairs and lay down in his coffin. Later that day a woman went the street down and found a purse. She picked it up and opened it. Everything was in it, it was the purse of the man Antonio had killed. His name was Richard Franks. The woman took a look around and saw Antonios villa. She went the few stairs up to the front door, because she thought that Mr. Franks lived there. She opened the unlocked front door and smell the sickening stench at once. The woman felt sick, but she stepped in the house anyway. She suppressed her nausea and sneaked carefully through the big, empty room into the mortuary. She got a big shock. With her shaky hand she seized her mobile and called the police. When the police-officer answered the call she told him everything in a low voice. She was very afraid, she could hardly think clearly. The police-officer quieted the woman. He told: Maam, Ill send you a police patrol. Please, leave the house and wait outside. The patrol will arrive in 5 Minutes in the latest. O-o-okay! answered the Woman. Her voice was still low, because she was very excited. In this room there were so many corpses, this stench and so much more. When the patrol arrived, she began to cry. All these things were so hard to understand and she had never thought that there was a murderer in her neighbourhood. Two officers were arrive. The first stayed with the woman, the second went into the villa and checked the situation. He came out with a pale face. I-I-its true! A-a-a room full of corpses! he stuttered. By the time more and more policemen arrived. They recovered the corpses and searched the house. But they found nothing. Antonio was in his hiding-place next to the fireplace. There was a secret door and behind this door was Antonios coffin. He didnt notice anything that happened the whole day. When the last sunbeam disappeared and the night of nights, Halloween, began Antonio opened his eyes. He opened his eyes. He opened his coffin and stood up. Today it was Antonios night. He loved Halloween, the night when his power were on the highest level. But when he wanted to get out, he heard voices. He listened to the voices. They said something about the many corpses. They said that there were corpses which were new and corpses which were only bones and dust. Antonio stood behind the door and eaves dropped when the voices left. My mortuary! My house! he thought, then he opened the secret door. He had to disappear before they found him. He went to the stairs and looked down and saw many policemen. Then he took a look around and saw the fireplace. Antonio stepped into it and climbed up on the roof. He looked at the dark roofs of San Diego. On the roof on a house behind his villa he noticed a girl. She was only sixteen, but she was beautiful, too. Her hair existed in blond strands.
Am melethril nîn - i chin lîn
i arad neth, Anor eria o thiriw ar mi calad laug în cenin... i chin lîn i arad ´ala, Anor ´ovad mhenel ar mi glawar în cenin... i chin lîn i arad vâd lim, Anor caran ar mi galad în cenin... i chin lîn tinnu dôl, in elin eriar ar os sílad mhíriel în cenin... i chin lîn i dhû neth, Ithil eria or eryn ar mi thîr hilivren în cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw einior, elenath ar Ithil gerir glaur vain ial cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw iaur, aur dôl rad. Mi guren glass echuia istol mi minui galad vallen achenithon... i chin lîn
Re: Antonio (Eine englische Vampirgeschichte)
She stared at Antonio. He beckoned her. My next victim! said his brain. She stood up and jumped over the five metres wide abyss. Who are you?2 Are you the murderer? she asked. Antonio smiled and ran ones hand over his hair. Maybe! he whispered and looked in her eyes. Lets go for a walk! he meant. She nodded and then she smiled. My name is Chris and yours? she asked. The talk began. Chris and Antonio walked over the roofs. The two spoke about the corpses and that a vampire had to kill them. Chris explained that all corpses were bloodless and they were women, so that the vampire had to be a man. Antonio said nothing. This girl knew the truth. He couldnt kill Chris anymore, she understood the way of life of a vampire. Stop! Interrupted Chris Antonios thoughts. Antonio turned to Chris. Why are your eyes glowing? she asked. You talk nonsense! But I get must away! Bye Christine! meant Antonio and climbed a fire-escape down. He ran across the street. The talk with Chris had cost too much time. He had to find something to eat or he would go crazy. But then he saw her. A woman, around the 30 and not muscular. He crept carefully to the woman. But she noticed him and began to run. Antonio had to hurry, but he caught her and pulled her back with her hair. She fell down and Antonio jumped on her. Finally blood! shouted his stomach and Antonio bit her vehemently in her neck. What he didnt know was that Chris had followed him. She stood only ten meters away. Antonio! she said. You are the vampire? Shockedly he jumped up. Chris! Beat it! he shouted. In this moment a police car drove the street down. Antonio saw it, caught Chris wrist and ran away. Chris had to follow him. Both ran into a garden and jumped over the garden fence. The police-officers couldnt follow them. One street away Antonios and Chris steps slowed down. I wish that I could be in Mexico! Antonio said. Why? Chris asked. In Mexico City, there in the slums, are many vampires and there is enough to eat. I have many friends there! Antonio told. Lets go to Mexico! Take me with you! demanded Chris excitedly. You talk nonsense again. Here is a little information. You are mortal and Im immortal. So beat it! Antonio replied. While he tried to explain it to Chris many police cars arrived. Immediately they were surrounded and many revolvers pointed at them. Hands up and dont move! one officer shouted. Antonio pushed Chris outof the shoutline and shouted back: You need more than a gun! I am a vampire, I hope you know that! Slowly he walked up to the police men. Come on. Shoot at me! Antonio whispered and his eyes began to glow. He growled and showed his long canine teeth. That day was Halloween and nobody could kill him. Two shots resounded through the night and hit Antonio in his left shoulder and his head. He didnt blood and the wounds closed by itself. You knew nothing. Im immortal! he shouted angry. Someone pushed a police man to Antonio. He caught him, but fell down. Antonio threw the young man against a wall, but it was too late. The same man who pushed the officer rammed a knife into his chest and perforated his heart. Why today? Antonio cried and died then. Okay, the show is over! a police-officer said. Everyone left the scene of crime, only Chris didnt. She sat next to Antonio. It was Halloween, the most important day for an undeath and he had to die. Chris began to cry. She stood up and went away. She wanted to live for Antonio and she did it. She went to Mexico City. There she found Antonio's old friend and they accepted Chris as equall. Now she was a living undeath. And if she is not death, you can find her in the slums of Mexico City.
Am melethril nîn - i chin lîn
i arad neth, Anor eria o thiriw ar mi calad laug în cenin... i chin lîn i arad ´ala, Anor ´ovad mhenel ar mi glawar în cenin... i chin lîn i arad vâd lim, Anor caran ar mi galad în cenin... i chin lîn tinnu dôl, in elin eriar ar os sílad mhíriel în cenin... i chin lîn i dhû neth, Ithil eria or eryn ar mi thîr hilivren în cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw einior, elenath ar Ithil gerir glaur vain ial cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw iaur, aur dôl rad. Mi guren glass echuia istol mi minui galad vallen achenithon... i chin lîn
Re: Antonio (Eine englische Vampirgeschichte)
Frage: Hast du das selber geschriebn??????
Ich habe Staub... entdeckt. Als nächstes finde ich Bakterien und schon ist die gesamte Kommandozentrale mit einem Virus verseucht ,... der mir nichts dir nichts all' unsere Computerprogramme lahm legen wird, einschließlich Meinem"
Re: Antonio (Eine englische Vampirgeschichte)
Ja, hab aber nur ne 2 gekriegt,als mein Lehrer die gelesen hat!
Am melethril nîn - i chin lîn
i arad neth, Anor eria o thiriw ar mi calad laug în cenin... i chin lîn i arad ´ala, Anor ´ovad mhenel ar mi glawar în cenin... i chin lîn i arad vâd lim, Anor caran ar mi galad în cenin... i chin lîn tinnu dôl, in elin eriar ar os sílad mhíriel în cenin... i chin lîn i dhû neth, Ithil eria or eryn ar mi thîr hilivren în cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw einior, elenath ar Ithil gerir glaur vain ial cenin... i chin lîn i dhaw iaur, aur dôl rad. Mi guren glass echuia istol mi minui galad vallen achenithon... i chin lîn