_______________________________________ Sam, dearest friend. Without you I would have died. How can I tell you now I cannot stay? Oh Sam, can you ever understand? The blackness of Mordor stalks me even here In the green peace and beauty of the Shire.
Away beyond the Sea In Elvenhome I hope I may find Rest, Oh Sam, please understand. In all our perils together, you would not leave me, And now I must leave you.
Re: mir is so langweilig, macht des mal :Spam
jaja ich mein es muss ja immer einer der depp sein abba ich verzeihe euch nomal
Merry: du bist so niedlich und schlau! Pippin: du bist der süßeste Tollpatsch den ich kenne! Sam: ich kenne keinen mutigeren Hobbit! Frodo: du bist der Hobbit mit den geilsten Augen auf der Welt!
Re: mir is so langweilig, macht des mal :Spam
Depp *lol* *Grad an Johnny DEPP denken muss*
Aber sooo schlimm is das nich, obwohl so gemein wie d wieder bist
In loving Memorys
As Hollywood sleeps, a young man is dying on the concrete of a sidewalk downtown. As his brother weeps, the sirens come calling and the medics feed him lines on the ground
And they say he`s too young to surrender, and they cry out, and they call him by name. Their graffiti tells how he`s remembered. Still, the river runs on just the name
River Phoenix
Re: mir is so langweilig, macht des mal :Spam
War doch nicht so gemeint, Dali *tröst*. Wir sind doch auch Spammer, nicht nur du...
_______________________________________ Sam, dearest friend. Without you I would have died. How can I tell you now I cannot stay? Oh Sam, can you ever understand? The blackness of Mordor stalks me even here In the green peace and beauty of the Shire.
Away beyond the Sea In Elvenhome I hope I may find Rest, Oh Sam, please understand. In all our perils together, you would not leave me, And now I must leave you.
Re: mir is so langweilig, macht des mal :Spam
Ja stimmt
In loving Memorys
As Hollywood sleeps, a young man is dying on the concrete of a sidewalk downtown. As his brother weeps, the sirens come calling and the medics feed him lines on the ground
And they say he`s too young to surrender, and they cry out, and they call him by name. Their graffiti tells how he`s remembered. Still, the river runs on just the name