Starsailor Fan Page - Andere Bands

The Frames

Re: The Frames


jetz müssts eh vorbei sein!!
was an der location blöd is: man hat nie handy-empfang drin!!
=( --> nix mit anrufen da... hab nur ne sms bekommen:
"sind vorm rh - gleich gehts los, lg"
aaaaaah - schon bissl her... egal!

aus mit der ösi tour, jetz sinds sicher trinken ...

Re: The Frames

sie kommen dann im mai ins ulmer zelt, gell ;-)

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt

Re: The Frames

waaas? ja genau, zu dir nach haus!

Re: The Frames

ich muss sparen, kann nicht nach ulm wenns is!

Re: The Frames

Muss mich hier ja auch mal einmischen

Ich hab ja ein bisschen gebraucht, bis ich die Frames richtig mocht, muss ich zugeben.... ich hatte mir 2004 in Irland zwei CDs gekauft und fand aber nur teilweise den Zugang... und dann haben sie im November in Berlin gespielt, und ich dacht, naja, schaden tuts ja nix, mal hinzugehen *grins*

Und da hat es mir dann die Füße weggezogen, sooo schön! (Wobei die Berliner doch seeehr reserviert waren und selbst Glen sagte, er habe ja schon öfter gemerkt, dass man in Berlin sehr "cool" ist )

Danke, liebe Anouk, fürs Brennen von den CDs, hoffentlich hast du beim Einkaufen den Massenabnehmer-Rabatt bekommen? Habe mich sehr gefreut!

Re: The Frames

sehr gerne! :)
massenabnehmer .. so viel war es dann doch nicht.. im original musst ich ja zum glück nicht doppelt kaufen..
ich hab den armen paul und seine schwärmereien auch erst erfolgreich ignoriert. zum glück aber nicht arg lang. ;)
und jetzt gehts nicht mehr ohne - nie nie mehr - sind direkt an vielen anderen vorbeimarschiert und haben sich einen platz ganz oben in meinem herzen reserviert, auf lebenszeit! ♥ :)

Re: The Frames

Samstag, 30.06.07 - The Frames - St. Gallen Open Air

(festival .. wenn sie aber nicht mehr näher kommen.. hmm..)



Once upon a time there was a movie made on the streets of Dublin, from a low-budget, with two musicians, about two musicians and with lots of songs…The film was turned down by numerous film festivals in Europe and for a while it seemed it would never get to a wider audience, get out of Ireland at all. But there is justice on this Earth and Sundance thought it was something worthy to enter into the competition in Park City and this small movie proved in no time its greatness and found a way to the heart of those who once have seen it. And there were more and more people to come and watch it, extra screenings, got lots of love and it took the Audience Award in the end. The biggest sign of appreciation a piece of art can ever get. Since then the buzz is incredible and it is great to see that a movie made with lots of love, dedication gets what it deserves. It took another Audience Award at the Jameson Dublin International Film Festival, got worldwide release and this Monday it had a truly amazing premiere at the Savoy in O’Connell Street. There was red carpet, proper media appreciation, standing ovation and applause. The screening started with John Carney introducing the movie and then it started to roll, the very first time, officially in the city of Dublin. And in the first two minutes of the movie the Irish audience responded with laughter and seemed to enjoy every single second of it. You could have dropped a needle and you would have hear the noise everyone was so quiet, paying attention, becoming one with this simple, enchanting story and music. After the end the applause went on for long minutes, then eventually John Carney managed to make his voice heard again and tell some more stories of the shooting and say thank to all the people involved. Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova came down in front of the screen and performed Falling Slowly, with the same old beaten-up guitar featured in the movie. What a great event to send this movie out to the cinemas in Dublin and soon into the rest of the world.

The celebration didn’t stop here. The next day there was a launch of an exhibition of David Cleary’s Photographic Stills in Gallery Number One in Castle Street. Those of you who followed the news about Once must know David’s name well. He is a long-time friend of Glen, created great images for every single Frames album and The Swell Season record, worked with numerous artists and on film and television projects and continuously creating outstandingly awesome art-works. The small, intimate gallery soon filled with guests, the cast and the crew. After everyone had a chance to wander among the beautiful stills it was time to say a few words and once again John started the lines of speeches, telling a story about how he has been asked, after getting the attention of the American movie business people, about what kind of a promo kit they had. They really had nothing with them, since first of all they never thought that the movie would do so well at Sundance and leave with distribution deals and they only had a small budget that wouldn’t have covered the usual expensive promotion tools, but then he remembered: THEY HAD GREAT STILLS!
David himself expressed his thanks to John and the crew to let them “bug” with his camera between and during takes and ended up leaving Glen almost speechless saying
basically all the things that he would have said, so Glen took his guitar and along with Marketa performed Van Morrison’s Into the Mystic song. The exhibition opened to the public on the 14th of March and will be on for a few weeks so drop in and see the stills “in the flesh”. Also they are available for purchase if you would like to take some of them home and believe me, after having a look-around there it is very hard to resist to the temptation of having them in your own possession.

The work on the soundtrack has begun and will continue for the next two or three weeks and it is very likely that in two months it will be in the stores as well as the movie having its release in the U.S. around the middle of May. Hopefully I can announce the exact date in a week’s time.

Till then take care and come over to the site to enjoy the video and slide show of images from the launch! Once has started its glorious marching and even though the celebrations are now over in Dublin, there are lots more to begin in the near future…so watch this space!!!

Thanks to Dara for the great photos, Cat for the video and David for all the support. This site wouldn’t be so rich and beautiful as it is without his help.

Re: The Frames

da sind 90000 leute. tolles line up aber das ist mir zu gross. mag die frames lieber im kleineren rahmen sehen.

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt

Re: The Frames

mir auch.. ca. 89500 zuviel.. :/

aaaaaaaaber ich mag sie sehen! ganz dringend.
(vielleicht sollt ich mir von irgendeinem den backstage-pass klauen..)

Re: The Frames

sie sind den sommer über in den usa. herbst oder winter dann!!! :-)
mag auch ein backstagepass!!!

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt