Starsailor Fan Page - Andere Bands

The Frames

Re: The Frames

Re: The Frames

Zitat: paul_sternensegler
sind auch nur 77 km von hier und immer auf der a7 entlang

DAS MUSS DIESMAL KLAPPEN!!!!jaaaaa !! ..das wird diesmal klappen !!

==Can you feel it ? Love is here !==

Re: The Frames

Zitat: paul_sternensegler
DAS MUSS DIESMAL KLAPPEN!!!!Wird's bestimmt! Muss diesmal..!

(heut lag übrigens die "The Cost" im Briefkasten.. am späten Nachmittag werd ich sie in aller Ruhe anhören..)

Re: The Frames

Vielen Dank für Ihre Reservierung.

Die gewünschten Karten hinterlegen wir Ihnen gerne auf den Namen "paul ororke" an der Kasse,
welche ab ca. eine Stunde vor Veranstaltungsbeginn geöffnet wird.

Veranstaltung: The Frames
Beginn: 28.02.2007 21:00
Anzahl: 2

Wir bitten reservierte Karten spätestens 30 Minuten vor Veranstaltungsbeginn abzuholen, ansonsten werden diese wieder freigegeben!
Die Plätze sind nicht nummeriert, Sie haben freie Platzwahl!

ein lob auf die öschies. so ohne stress. einfach nur reservieren und alles ist ok. toll!!!!

jetzt muss es nur noch klappen, gell *bibber*

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt

Re: The Frames

ich geh zu den frames ich geh zu den frames ich geh zu den frames *hüpf*

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt

Re: The Frames

==Can you feel it ? Love is here !==

Re: The Frames

Tour diary from the road....

Praha - The Archa - amazing room, lovely people and half liters of great beer for less than a euro, what more needs to be said. I have yet to be able to hear (Longital) Shina and Daniel's set, but did catch some of their soundcheck. Really beautiful. Glen said Czech surrealist filmaker Jan Svankmajer came out to the gig and some of the lads had the chance to meet him. An honor indeed.

Plzn - The band is playing as part of a month long festival called - 27 Smetanovske Dny - about 4 events a week, music of all genres, theatre and film. it's mostly in Czech, but worth a look around. they will be posting photos from all of their events in the next couple of weeks. Jana and David our festival reps meet us at the venue to take us to our hotel. Yes, tonight we leave our home on wheels for a nice little place with a bar and restaurant downstairs, which is always a plus. Karla is a wonderful barkeep who was happy to serve us all large glasses of the local specialPilsner Urquell and try to convince us it's actually good for you. Hotel Plzn I think it was called. Tonight Jana tells us there is a theatre event, "Barokní Opera" - which is Petr & Matěj Forman (Miloš' twin sons), Milan Forman (no relation) and 2 others, one on the organ, the other doing lights. This "opera" is a puppet show with a bit of comedy troupe thrown in. Johnny, Colm, Rob and I take her up on the offer. The theatre is behind an American West themed restaurant-saloon, which you have to walk through. We had a bit of time before the doors so Jana recommends another local brew, Grambrinus, more of an amber look to it, very smooth, very nice. Once those are finished, we went inside and were greeted by Pavla, one of the Festival directors. She introduced us to Matěj who was very gracious and sincerely delighted that we had come out. We took our seats, not long after they began to work the room, talking to the audience and messing with the press photographers, running around posing. They addressed the audience before beginning the play, asking in Czech if there was anyone who didn't understand what they were saying. A woman seated in front of us turned and motioned that we should raise our hands, at the same time one of the brothers spoke in English, asking the question again, we raised our hands. He asked where we were from, Colm replied Irska. They asked if we would like to feel at home, we say yes and out comes a tray with 4 whiskeys which were passed back into welcome hands. After a toast they go on a bit more in Czech with some English, explain a bit about the premise of the play then the lights go down. Maybe try to wikipedia it and hopefully they'll have a bit of info.
We have a program from the festival but it's all in Czech. After they allowed the audience to try out the puppets, of course we had to have a closer look ourselves, we'll get some photos up soon.

Jana met us after for a beer then we walked back towards the hotel to meet the others for dinner. On the way we came upon Stara Sladovna, a restaurant that specializes in many grilled beasts. Seeing as it was getting late the lads were famished and thought it'd be worth a try. Quite possibly the sign that read 'sucking pig' had an influence, yes I know it should have said 'suckling pig' but no. Jana said it's a popular place with tourists, but it's no chain restaurant with neon lights quite the opposite, the sort of place Hagrid would frequent. Dark and cozy with a nice fire going, wood beams throughout with large wooden tables and benches. A large platter is ordered between them. A few beasts and loads of veggies come out on a huge skillet. I had veggies and salmon, delicious. During dinner Jana gets word from Fiacre that they are going bowling. So after we've cleaned our plates we're off to meet up and "throw some rocks". A ten minute walk and we find Simon, Andy, Joe, Leon, Fiacre and David in the midst of a game. (Glen has stayed behind in Praha to do a TV interview with Marketa about the film 'Once',Sundance and generally what he's up to these days)

Jana offered to take us to the Pilsner Urquell brewery the next morning, but most of us were pretty wrecked from the late night in Prague so we passed. Sleeping in will be our morning activity.

The venue is Peklo, a community center with a big ballroom and in the same building is the Gen. Patton Memorial (On May 6, 1945, at the very end of World War II, Pilsen and Western Bohemia were liberated from Nazi Germany by General Patton's 3rd Army; the rest of Czechoslovakia was liberated from German control by the Soviet Red Army. )

Tonight I couldn't see the gig but from where I was it sounded amazing. Colm did a piece, Blue Shoes, and I heard Marketa singing, believe that was a new song. Tonight was our last night with Longital until we're in Austria. They are off to Poland to do some gigs then we'll see them in Linz March 1st.


==Can you feel it ? Love is here !==

Re: The Frames

"The Cost" ist so so toll. Jeder einzelne Song. :)
Bin auf die anderen jetzt noch mehr gespannt als eh schon. ;)

Re: The Frames

sind alle sehr toll wenn auch nicht ganz so ruhig aber bissl wild steht ihnen auch sooooo gut!!! :-)

anfahrt zum spielboden in dornbirn:

... aus Deutschland:
Autobahn München-Lindau, Grenzübergang Hörbranz Autobahn, A14 Richtung Innsbruck, Abfahrt Dornbirn Nord, Bundesstraße Richtung Dornbirn, bei Autohaus Mercedes Schneider rechts in Richtung Rhombergs Fabrik (angeschrieben). Zweite Straße rechts, linker Hand kommt Rhombergs Fabrik.

haa, das klingt doch so gut. kein gewühle durch den strassendschungel von münchen, kein hoffnungsloses verfahren, keine panik dass man viel zu spät kommt.....HOFF ICH MAL ;-)

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt

Re: The Frames

:-) :-)

dort hinten wird's hell
und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht
und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will
meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt