... und ich kann es kaum noch erwarten, endlich wieder was Neues von den Seglern zu hören und zu sehen.
Hoffentlich machen sie es ähnlich wie Travis, die im Vorfeld der jetzt kurz bevorstehenden Veröffentlichung des neuen Albums und der neuen Single auf ihrer Spacebase einige neue Lieder (in voller Länge!) zum Anhören und das Video der ersten Single zum Anschauen eingestellt haben.
Water skiing to work off the Guinness
Hello All,
First of all, I am really sorry we will not be able to take part in the Maxidrome festival in Russia. We were all looking forward to seeing another part of Russia after our successful trip to Moscow. This is an extremely frustrating time for a man whose bass guitar is basically an extension of his body! I'm sure you join me in wishing Stel a speedy recovery. Hopefully we can see the beautiful city of St. Petersberg very soon.
I was very pleased to be asked to take part in the opening of the 'Oh Yeah' Music Centre in Belfast. Apart from myself, Gary Lightbody, Elbow and Duke Special all took to the stage during the evening. James Nesbitt was also on hand for introductions, jokes and general merriment! This project is another indication of how far Belfast has come in the past couple of years and should ensure that Northern Ireland's rich musical heritage continues.
Having made the trip to Manchester for rehearsals (before I heard about Stel's untimely injury), I decided to spend an evening watching the rather excellent Cherry Ghost. With albums like Simon's (Cherry's real name) and Cold War Kids out there we are going to have to make a really special record in order to make our mark come the beginning of next year. We have a very good idea who we will be making the album with now and also where we are doing it but I have to keep my mouth shut until it's 100% confirmed. It would be very interesting to see who you lot think it is and who you think it should be, so feel free to speculate!
On a personal note I have recently taken up water skiing. If you are ever in the Port Glenone area on a Sunday evening and you see someone tied to the back of a boat listening to Johnny Cash it could well be me! I am trying to keep fit by doing that and also going to the gym, however I have also taken up Guinness so that kind of cancels it out! For those of you who will be in Athens on the 23rd of May I will be performing in one of the fanzones dotted around the Olympic stadium. I am looking forward to returning to the ancient city and seeing a good game of football.
Listening To: Cherry Ghost Rufus Wainwright Cold War Kids Radio Five Live
==Can you feel it ? Love is here !==
dank little auch, dass sie hier, in der letzten zeit, so bissl mein job übernommen hat.
sorry, dass ich das gerade alles so sehr vernachlässige. sollt die schlaflosen nächte sinnvoller nützen und die page wieder bissl aktualisieren.
fällt mir nur gerade so schwer dran zu bleiben aber ich will es versuchen.
dort hinten wird's hell und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt
vom 19. juni aus dem englischen message board
Dutch beer, The Rolling Stones & recording the album
Hello All,
We have been pretty busy boys since I last posted. After a well earned break (myself and Stel took our families to Majorca and Cyprus respectively) it was back on the road with a gig in Holland. Thanks to everyone who attended the 'Music In My Head' festival. The Hague is a beautiful place and we had a great time exploring the city and sampling the local cuisine - and of course the beer!
Anyway that was last week. I am writing to you now, sat in Paris Charles De Gaulle airport, awaiting a flight back to Belfast. As last minute gigs go it doesn't get much bigger than supporting The Rolling Stones! We were delighted to be asked to perform before the band in Frankfurt, Paris and Lyon. Although all the gigs will live long in the memory, Lyon was a particular highlight.
It was on this night that Ronnie Wood was spotted at the side of the stage enjoying the set and we also got a big thumbs up from Jagger who thanked us for appearing!
Next up is more recording. We are moving on from the demo stage now and we all hope that some of the recordings we complete over the next few weeks will make the final album. Where we are recording the album and who we are doing it with I'm sure will be revealed in due course!
Everyone is very excited (and a little nervous) to finally be back in the studio making an album. As far as speculation as to when the album will come out, it is too early to say. We may get in the studio and everything will fall into place or it may take a little longer. Needless to say the most important thing is that we make the best album we can possibly make (and hopefully a contender for album of the year!).
I hope to keep you posted on all the developments as we embark on this our fourth album.
May it be our best yet!
See You Soon,
macht mir angst, seine hoffnungen auf das album des jahres :-/ hoff nur ganz ganz sehr dass sie nicht wieder so verrissen werden.
dort hinten wird's hell und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt
das hoff ich mit
aber gleichzeitig auch wieder erfüllt mich diese vorerst letzte Nachricht von James mit so viel Vorfreude, dass ich es kaum noch aushalten kann *hibbel*
wenn seine "Versprechen" nur zur Hälfte eingehalten werden, dann erwartet uns ein ganz ganz tolles Album, wetten?
glaub ich doch auch und ein album des jahres erwart ich eh nicht
dort hinten wird's hell und schwarz wird zu grau wird zu rot wird zu licht und benommen, verschwommen erkennen was man will meine welt aufgehoben, meine welt in 3 wörtern erklärt
ich auch nicht, wenn ich ehrlich bin
... aber schön wär es doch!!!
Starsailor Summer Sale
There is a summer sale on in the Starsailor Store at the moment with many items selling at bargain prices, including several half price t-shirts.
Just copy and paste this link http://www.recordstore.co.uk/starsailor/home.jsp?SearchField=CATEGORY&Search=sale or use the link at the top of http://www.starsailor.net to visit the shop
==Can you feel it ? Love is here !==
letzte woche kam das grau gestreifte segler-shirt. dass das vor dem summersale war brauch ich glaub nicht zu erwähnen..